
The device API supports collecting dynamic system data through its statistics URL. This data is read-only. Every call actively collects the latest data associated with the selected stats element. To obtain  a list of pollable options, use a GET request using [yourdevice_ip] in the url. For example:  https://[device_ip]/api/stats.


Element Type Description
battery OBJECT Current backup battery status
          charging BOOL When true, the battery is charging
         cycleCount STRING The total number of charge/discharge cycles this battery has experienced
          discharging BOOL When true, the battery is discharging
          millivolts STRING The battery voltage in millivolts
          minutesToEmpty STRING The current estimated time until the battery is empty. Note: 65535 indicates infinite
          minutesToFull STRING The current estimated time until the battery is fully charged. Note: 65535 indicates infinite
          percentCharged STRING The current precentage the battery is charged
          timestamp STRING The Unix Epoch Timestamp (in seconds since 1/1/1970) of the battery reading
          valid BOOL When true, this data is valid and was taken from the
batteryHistory ARRAY Backup battery historical records
continuousPing OBJECT Indicates whether or not the continuous ping is in
          isRunning BOOL Indicates whether the continuous ping is in progress
dns ARRAY Current DNS server IP addresses
          servers ARRAY A list of DNS servers available for domain name resolution
eth0 OBJECT Current statistics on Ethernet interface
          flags OBJECT Various network interface flags
                 all_multi BOOL Receives all multicast packets
                 broadcast BOOL Broadcast address valid
                 dynamic BOOL The addresses are lost when the interface goes down
                 loopback BOOL The interface is a loopback net
                 lower_up BOOL Driver signals L1 up
                 multicast BOOL Supports multicast.
                 no_arp BOOL No address resolution protocol
                point_to_point BOOL Interface is point-to-point link
                 promisc BOOL Interface is in promiscuous mode
                 up BOOL The interface is up
          ip STRING Specifies the IP address assigned to this interface
          mask STRING Specifies the mask assigned to this interface
          mtu STRING Specifies maximum transmission unit in bytes
          rx OBJECT Contains statistics on received bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of received bytes
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of received byte drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of received byte errors
                 frame STRING Specifies the number of received frames
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of received overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of received packets
          tx OBJECT Contains statistics on transmitted bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of transmitted bytes
                 carrier STRING Specifies the number of transmitted carriers
                 collisions STRING Specifies the number of transmitted collisions
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of transmitted drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of transmitted errors
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of transmitted overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of transmitted packets
                 queueLength STRING Specifies the number of packets that can be queued for transmission
eth0History ARRAY Specifies daily statistics on Ethernet interface traffic
          date UINT Specifies the date in format MM/DD/YYYY
          rx UINT Specifies the number of received bytes for the day
          tx UINT Specifies the number of transmitted bytes for the day
eth0Total OBJECT Total and today’s statistics on Ethernet interface traffic
          todayRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received during the pre-determined period
          todayTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted during the pre-determined period
          totalRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received today
          totalTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted today
eth1 OBJECT Current statistics on Ethernet interface
          flags OBJECT Various network interface flags
                 all_multi BOOL Receives all multicast packets
                 broadcast BOOL Broadcast address valid
                 dynamic BOOL The addresses are lost when the interface goes down
                 loopback BOOL The interface is a loopback net
                 lower_up BOOL Driver signals L1 up
                 multicast BOOL Supports multicast.
                 no_arp BOOL No address resolution protocol
                 point_to_point BOOL Interface is point-to-point link
                 promisc BOOL Interface is in promiscuous mode
                 up BOOL The interface is up
          ip STRING Specifies the IP address assigned to this interface
          mask STRING Specifies the mask assigned to this interface
          mtu STRING Specifies maximum transmission unit in bytes
          rx OBJECT Contains statistics on received bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of received bytes
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of received byte drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of received byte errors
                 frame STRING Specifies the number of received frames
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of received overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of received packets
          tx OBJECT Contains statistics on transmitted bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of transmitted bytes
                 carrier STRING Specifies the number of transmitted carriers
                 collisions STRING Specifies the number of transmitted collisions
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of transmitted drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of transmitted errors
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of transmitted overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of transmitted packets
                 queueLength STRING Specifies the number of packets that can be queued for transmission
eth1History ARRAY Specifies daily statistics on Ethernet interface traffic
          date UINT Specifies the date in format MM/DD/YYYY
          rx UINT Specifies the number of received bytes for the day
          tx UINT Specifies the number of transmitted bytes for the day
eth1Total OBJECT Total and today’s statistics on Ethernet interface traffic
          todayRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received during the pre-determined period
          todayTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted during the pre-determined period
          totalRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received today
          totalTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted today
eth2 OBJECT Current statistics on Ethernet interface
          flags OBJECT Various network interface flags
                 all_multi BOOL Receives all multicast packets
                 broadcast BOOL Broadcast address valid
                 dynamic BOOL The addresses are lost when the interface goes down
                 loopback BOOL The interface is a loopback net
                 lower_up BOOL Driver signals L1 up
                 multicast BOOL Supports multicast.
                 no_arp BOOL No address resolution protocol
                point_to_point BOOL Interface is point-to-point link
                 promisc BOOL Interface is in promiscuous mode
                 up BOOL The interface is up
          ip STRING Specifies the IP address assigned to this interface
          mask STRING Specifies the mask assigned to this interface
          mtu STRING Specifies maximum transmission unit in bytes
          rx OBJECT Contains statistics on received bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of received bytes
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of received byte drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of received byte errors
                 frame STRING Specifies the number of received frames
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of received overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of received packets
          tx OBJECT Contains statistics on transmitted bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of transmitted bytes
                 carrier STRING Specifies the number of transmitted carriers
                 collisions STRING Specifies the number of transmitted collisions
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of transmitted drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of transmitted errors
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of transmitted overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of transmitted packets
                 queueLength STRING Specifies the number of packets that can be queued for transmission
eth2History ARRAY Specifies daily statistics on Ethernet interface traffic
          date UINT Specifies the date in format MM/DD/YYYY
          rx UINT Specifies the number of received bytes for the day
          tx UINT Specifies the number of transmitted bytes for the day
eth2Total OBJECT Total and today’s statistics on Ethernet interface traffic
          todayRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received during the pre-determined period
          todayTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted during the pre-determined period
          totalRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received today
          totalTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted today
gps OBJECT Contains positional information of gps device
          alt STRING Specifies altitude
          fix INT Fix quality (0=No fix, 1=Have fix without DGPS, 2 = have fix with DGPS)
          lat DOUBLE Specifies latitude coordinate
          lng DOUBLE Specifies longitude coordinate
          sats INT Number of satellites used in solution
          time DOUBLE Time of update
gre OBJECT Contains statistics on gre tunnels (keys are tunnel names)
          tunnel OBJECT Statistics on ipsec LAN interface transmitted bytes
                 localIp STRING Specifies the IP address assigned to this interface
                 mode STRING Specifies tunnel mode
                 remoteIp STRING Specifies the IP address of the remote end of this tunnel
                 rx OBJECT Summarizes receiver statistics
                       Mcasts UINT Specifies the total number of multicast packets received on a broadcast GRE tunnel
                       bytes UINT Specifies the total number of bytes received on the interface
                       csumErrors UINT Specifies the total number of packets dropped because of checksum failures for a GRE tunnel with checksumming enabled.
                       errors UINT Specifies the total number of receiver errors
                       outOfSequence UINT Specifies the total number of packets dropped because they arrived out of sequence for a GRE tunnel with serialization enabled
                       packets UINT Specifies the total number of packets received on the interface
                 ttl STRING Specifies time to live set on the interface
                 tx OBJECT Summarizes transmitter statistics
                       bytes UINT Specifies the total number of bytes transmitted on the interface
                       deadLoop UINT Specifies the total number of packets which were not transmitted because the tunnel is looped back to itself
                       errors UINT Specifies the total number of transmitter errors
                       noBuffs UINT Specifies the total number of packets which were not transmitted because the kernel failed to allocate a buffer
                       noRoute UINT Specifies the total number of packets which were not transmitted because there is no IP route to the remote endpoint
                       packets UINT Specifies the total number of packets transmitted on the interface
ipsec ARRAY Statistics on IPSec tunnels
          name STRING Specifies an IPSec tunnel name
          rxBytes UINT Specifies the number of received bytes
          rxPackets UINT Specifies the number of received packets
          tunnelName STRING Specifies IPSec endpoints in ###.###.###.### – ###.###.###.### format
          txBytes UINT Specifies the number of transmitted bytes
          txPackets UINT Specifies the number of transmitted packets
lan0 OBJECT Current statistics on the bridge interface
          flags OBJECT Various network interface flags
                 all_multi BOOL Receives all multicast packets
                 broadcast BOOL Broadcast address valid
                 dynamic BOOL The addresses are lost when the interface goes down
                 loopback BOOL The interface is a loopback net
                 lower_up BOOL Driver signals L1 up
                 multicast BOOL Supports multicast.
                 no_arp BOOL No address resolution protocol
                 point_to_point BOOL Interface is point-to-point link
                 promisc BOOL Interface is in promiscuous mode
                 up BOOL The interface is up
          ip STRING Specifies the IP address assigned to this interface
          mask STRING Specifies the mask assigned to this interface
          mtu STRING Specifies maximum transmission unit in bytes
          rx OBJECT Contains statistics on received bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of received bytes
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of received byte drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of received byte errors
                 frame STRING Specifies the number of received frames
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of received overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of received packets
          tx OBJECT Contains statistics on transmitted bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of transmitted bytes
                 carrier STRING Specifies the number of transmitted carriers
                 collisions STRING Specifies the number of transmitted collisions
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of transmitted drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of transmitted errors
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of transmitted overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of transmitted packets
                 queueLength STRING Specifies the number of packets that can be queued for transmission
modbus ARRAY Statistics on modbus passthrough pipe
          id UINT Specifies the ID of the device on the bus
          rx UINT Reports the number of bytes received by the device
          status STRING Reports the status of the device
          time UINT Reports the number of seconds since the last
          tx UINT Reports the number of bytes transmitted by the
ovpn ARRAY Statistics on OpenVPN tunnels
          connected BOOL Indicates whether the tunnel is established
          dev STRING Indicates the type of virtual networking interface (tun or tap)
          name STRING Indicates the name of the tunnel
          proto STRING Indicates the protocol to use when connecting with the remote (tcp or udp)
          statistics OBJECT Contains statistics on received/transmitted bytes
                 rx UINT Specifies the number of received bytes
                 tx Specifies the number of transmitted bytes: UINT
          type STRING Indicates whether the tunnel is configured as a
client or as a server
          use_static BOOL Specifies whether a static key is used for
packages ARRAY Lists the packages installed by the user
          name STRING The package name
          size UINT The package size in bytes
          version STRING The package version
ping OBJECT Indicates whether or not the ping is in progress
          isRunning BOOL Indicates whether the ping is in progress
ppp OBJECT Contains statistics for the PPP interface
          areaCode STRING Reports localization area code
          cellularMode STRING Specifies the cellular mode that is currently used
by the modem [2g, 3g, 4g]
          dnsServers ARRAY A list of strings representing IP addresses of DNS
          flags OBJECT Various network interface flags
                 all_multi BOOL Receives all multicast packets
                 broadcast BOOL Broadcast address valid
                 dynamic BOOL The addresses are lost when the interface goes down
                 loopback BOOL The interface is a loopback net
                 lower_up BOOL Driver signals L1 up
                 multicast BOOL Supports multicast.
                  no_arp BOOL No address resolution protocol
                 point_to_point BOOL Interface is point-to-point link
                 promisc BOOL Interface is in promiscuous mode
                 up BOOL The interface is up
          ip STRING Reports the IP address assigned to this interface
          link STRING Reports status of the link
          localIp STRING Reports the IP address assigned to this interface
          localIp6 STRING Reports the IPv6 address assigned to this interface
          mtu STRING Reports maximum transmission unit in bytes
          number STRING Reports cellular module’s phone number
          remoteIp STRING Reports the externally facing IP address of this interface
          remoteIp6 STRING Reports the externally facing IPv6 address of this interface
          roaming BOOL Indicates whether or not this connection is considered roaming
          rssi STRING Reports Received Signal Strength Indication value [0-31]
          rssiDbm STRING Specifies the received signal strength indication in dBm
          rx OBJECT Contains statistics on received bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of received bytes
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of received byte drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of received byte errors
                 frame STRING Specifies the number of received frames
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of received overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of received packets
          tower STRING Reports cellular tower ID
          tx OBJECT Contains statistics on transmitted bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of transmitted bytes
                 carrier STRING Specifies the number of transmitted carriers
                 collisions STRING Specifies the number of transmitted collisions
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of transmitted drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of transmitted errors
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of transmitted overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of transmitted packets
                 queueLength STRING Specifies the number of packets that can be queued for transmission
          uptime UINT Reports number of minutes connection has been established
pppHistory ARRAY Specifies daily statistics on PPP interface traffic
          date UINT Specifies the date in format MM/DD/YYYY
          rx UINT Specifies the number of received bytes for the day
          tx UINT Specifies the number of transmitted bytes for the day
pppTotal OBJECT Total and today’s statistics on PPP interface traffic
          todayRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received during the pre-determined period
          todayTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted during the pre-determined period
          totalRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received today
          totalTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted today
radio OBJECT Reports statistics and information about the cellular radio
          abnd STRING Reports the current active band
          carrier STRING Designates the cellular service provider (home network)
          channel STRING Specifies the ARFCN or UARFCN Assigned Radio Channel
          cid STRING Specifies the cellular ID in hexadecimal
          code STRING Specifies the MTS short model code: (H5, H6, or G3)
          debug OBJECT Contains detailed information about the radio’s current status (information may vary between radio types)
                 bler STRING Reports the block error rate (percentage)
                 drx STRING Reports the discontinuous reception cycle length in milliseconds
                 ecio STRING Indicates the signal-to-noise ratio, the ratio of the received energy to the interference energy in dB
                 mm STRING Reports the mobility management state
                 nom STRING Reports the current network operator mode
                 psc STRING Reports the primary synchronization code
                 rr STRING Reports the radio resource state
                 rscp STRING Reports the active RSCP (Received Signal Code Power in dBm)
                 rsrp STRING Reference Signals Received Power, a measurement of the received power level in an LTE cell network, it is the power of the LTE Reference Signals spread over the full bandwidth and narrowband in dBm
                 rsrq STRING Reference Signal Received Quality, indicates the quality of the received reference signal (similar to EC/IO) in dB
                 sd STRING Reports the service domain
                 txpwr STRING Reports the transmit power
          firmware STRING Reports the radio firmware version
          firmwarebuild STRING Reports the radio firmware build number
          hardware STRING Reports the radio hardware revision
          iccid STRING Reports the integrated circuit card identifier (Notavailable for CMDA)
          imsi STRING Reports the radio IMEI number
          lac STRING Reports the location area code in hexadecimal
          manufacturer STRING Reports the radio manufacturer
          mcc STRING Reports the mobile country code
          mdn STRING Reports the mobile directory number (CDMA Only)
          meid STRING Reports the mobile equipment identifier (CDMA Only)
          mipProfile OBJECT Specifies the mobile IP configuration (CDMA Only)
                 enabled BOOL Indicates if profile is active or not
                 homeAddress STRING Specifies the home address
                 id UINT Specifies the MIP profile ID
                 mnAaaSpi STRING Specifies the mobile node authentication,
authorization, and accounting server security parameter index
                 mnAaaSs Indicates whether the mobile node authentication, authorization, and accounting server shared secret is set: BOOL
                 mnHaSpi STRING Specifies the mobile node home agent security server parameter index
                 mnHaSs BOOL Indicates whether the mobile node home agent security server shared secret is set
                 nai STRING Specifies the network access identifier
                 primaryHa STRING Specifies the primary home agent
                 revTun BOOL Indicates whether reverse tunneling is enabled
                 secondaryHa STRING Specifies the secondary home agent
          mnc STRING Specifies the mobile network (operator) code
          model STRING Specifies the radio model [HE910-D, HE910-EUD, GE910, DE910, CE910, …]
          msid STRING Specifies the mobile station ID (also known as MIN or MSIN)
          network STRING Reports the current cellular service provider (Not available for CDMA)
          provisioned BOOL Reports whether or not the radio has been activated with a data account (CDMA only)
          rac STRING Reports the routing area code in hexadecimal
          roaming BOOL Indicates whether or not the radio is using the home network
          rssi UINT Specifies the received signal strength indication
          rssidBm STRING Specifies the received signal strength indication in dBm
          service STRING Specifies the service connection type [GPRS, EGPRS, WCDMA, HSDPA]
          simCarrierCode STRING Specifies the unique carrier identifier based on the SIM card information [vz, att, …, Unknown]
          simMcc STRING Specifies MCC of the cellular service provider (home network) based on the SIM card information [310, 311, 312, …, Unknown]
          simMnc STRING Specifies MNC of the cellular service provider (home network) based on the SIM card information [03, 012, 410, …, Unknown]
          supportedCellularModes STRING Specifies the list of cellular modes that are supported by the modem. Example: [2g,3g,4g]
          type STRING Specifies the radio technology category [GSM, CDMA, LTE]
radioFwuStatus OBJECT Displays the status of the radio firmware upgrade procedure
          lastResult STRING Result of the last firmware upgrade attempt (UNKNOWN, SUCCESS, FAILED)
          state STRING Current operation status (IDLE, STARTED,
radioSimStatus OBJECT Displays the SIM card status
          attemptsPin UINT The number of attempts left to unlock the SIM card using PIN code
          attemptsPuk UINT The number of attempts left to unlock the SIM card using PUK code
          isSimInserted BOOL SIM card insertion indicator. True when a SIM card is inserted
          isSimLocked BOOL SIM card lock status indicator. True when a SIM card is locked by PIN / PUK / other code
          lockStatus STRING SIM card lock status string. Either READY, SIM PIN, SIM PUK or other state
serial OBJECT Reports statistics and information about the serial interface
          dcd STRING Reports status of data carrier detect line
          rx UINT Reports number of bytes received on serial interface
          tx UINT Reports number of bytes transmitted on serial interface
service OBJECT Various service status
          ddns OBJECT Displays the status of DDNS services
                 enabled BOOL Indicates whether the DDNS service is on
                 status STRING Displays the status of DDNS
          dialOnDemand OBJECT Displays the status of the dial-on-demand services
                 enabled BOOL Indicates whether the dial-on-demand service is on
                 status STRING Displays the status of dial-on-demand
          failover OBJECT Displays the status of WAN failover services
                 enabled BOOL Indicates whether the WAN failover service is on
                 status STRING Displays the status of WAN failover
          keepAlive OBJECT Displays the status of the keep-alive services
                 enabled BOOL Indicates whether the keep-alive service is on
                 status STRING Displays the status of keep-alive
          sms OBJECT Displays the status of the SMS service
                 enabled BOOL Indicates whether the SMS service is on
                 status STRING Displays the status of SMS service
          smtp OBJECT Displays the status of the SMTP service
                 enabled BOOL Indicates whether the SMTP service is on
                 status STRING Displays the status of SMTP service
          sntp OBJECT Displays the status of the SNTP services
                 enabled BOOL Indicates whether the SNTP service is on
                 status STRING Displays the status of SNTP service
status ARRAY Contains a list of important system events
          guid STRING Specifies unique traceable identifier of the event source
          msg STRING Specifies the message describing the event
          timestamp STRING Specifies the time when the event occurred (UTC)
          type STRING Specifies the event classification [INFO, WARNING, ERROR]
wlan0 OBJECT Current statistics on Wi-Fi as WAN interface
          channels ARRAY Reports a list of available channels
          countryCode STRING Specifies the two-character operating country code
          flags OBJECT Various network interface flags
                 all_multi BOOL Receives all multicast packets
                 broadcast BOOL Broadcast address valid
                 dynamic BOOL The addresses are lost when the interface goes down
                 loopback BOOL The interface is a loopback net
                 lower_up BOOL Driver signals L1 up
                 multicast BOOL Supports multicast.
                 no_arp BOOL No address resolution protocol
                 point_to_point BOOL Interface is point-to-point link
                 promisc BOOL Interface is in promiscuous mode
                 up BOOL The interface is up
          ip STRING Specifies the IP address assigned to this interface
          link OBJECT Reports status of the current Wi-Fi connection
                 RX STRING Reports the number of received bytes
                 SSID STRING Reports the SSID of connected network
                 TX STRING Reports status of the current Wi-Fi connection
                 freq STRING Reports the operating frequency
                 mac STRING Reports network MAC address of the Access Point
                 signal STRING Specifies the received signal strength indication in dBm
                 tx_bitrate STRING Reports the speed at which bits are transmitted over
the medium
          mask STRING Specifies the mask assigned to this interface
          mtu STRING Specifies maximum transmission unit in byte
          rx OBJECT Contains statistics on received bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of received bytes
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of received byte drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of received byte errors
                 frame STRING Specifies the number of received frames
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of received overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of received packets
          status STRING Reports the state of the network interface
          tx OBJECT Contains statistics on transmitted bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of transmitted bytes
                 carrier STRING Specifies the number of transmitted carriers
                 collisions STRING Specifies the number of transmitted collisions
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of transmitted drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of transmitted errors
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of transmitted overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of transmitted packets
                 queueLength STRING Specifies the number of packets that can be queued
for transmission
wlan0History ARRAY Specifies daily statistics on Wi-Fi as WAN interface traffic
          date UINT Specifies the date in format MM/DD/YYYY
          rx UINT Specifies the number of received bytes for the day
          tx UINT Specifies the number of transmitted bytes for the day
wlan0Total OBJECT Total and today’s statistics on the Wi-Fi as WAN interface traffic
          todayRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received during the pre-determined period
          todayTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted during the pre-determined period
          totalRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received today
          totalTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted today
wlan1 OBJECT Current statistics on Wi-Fi AP interface
          channels ARRAY Reports a list of available channels
          countryCode STRING Specifies the two-character operating country code
          flags OBJECT Various network interface flags
                 all_multi BOOL Receives all multicast packets
                 broadcast BOOL Broadcast address valid
                 dynamic BOOL The addresses are lost when the interface goes down
                 loopback BOOL The interface is a loopback net
                 lower_up BOOL Driver signals L1 up
                 multicast BOOL Supports multicast.
                 no_arp BOOL No address resolution protocol
                 point_to_point BOOL Interface is point-to-point link
                 promisc BOOL Interface is in promiscuous mode
                 up BOOL The interface is up
          ip STRING Specifies the IP address assigned to this interface
          mask STRING Specifies the mask assigned to this interface
          mtu STRING Specifies maximum transmission unit in bytes
          rx OBJECT Contains statistics on received bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of received bytes
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of received byte drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of received byte errors
                 frame STRING Specifies the number of received frames
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of received overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of received packets
          tx OBJECT Contains statistics on transmitted bytes
                 bytes STRING Specifies the number of transmitted bytes
                 carrier STRING Specifies the number of transmitted carriers
                 collisions STRING Specifies the number of transmitted collisions
                 dropped STRING Specifies the number of transmitted drops
                 errors STRING Specifies the number of transmitted errors
                 overruns STRING Specifies the number of transmitted overruns
                 packets STRING Specifies the number of transmitted packets
                 queueLength STRING Specifies the number of packets that can be queued for transmission
    availableWifiChannels List of regions: ARRAY
                 2_4GHz Reports a list of available 2.4 GHz channels for the region: ARRAY
                 5GHz Reports a list of available 5 GHz channels for the region: ARRAY
wlan1History ARRAY Specifies daily statistics on Wi-Fi AP interface traffic
          date UINT Specifies the date in format MM/DD/YYYY
          rx UINT Specifies the number of received bytes for the day
          tx UINT Specifies the number of transmitted bytes for the day
wlan1Total OBJECT Total and today statistics on the Wi-Fi as WAN interface traffic
          todayRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received today
          todayTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted today
          totalRx UINT Specifies the number of bytes received during the pre-determined period
          totalTx UINT Specifies the number of bytes transmitted during the pre-determined period
radioPdpConfStatic OBJECT Displays the list of all PDP contexts configured on the radio
          %cid% OBJECT Displays information on a specific PDP context with context ID %cid%. The %cid% value is [1-16]
                 apn STRING Displays the current APN configured for this context
                 ipMode STRING Displays the current IP Mode configured for this context (IP, PPP, IPV6 or IPV4V6)


Retrieving the current DHCP setting using the method URI parameter.


Status: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "code" : 200, 
    "result" : {
        "areaCode" : "7D0E",
        "dnsServers" : [ "" ], 
        "ip" : "",
        "link" : "PPP Link is up",
        "localIp" : "", 
        "mtu" : "1550",
        "number" : "14831268306",
        "remoteIp" : "",
        "roaming" : false,
        "rssi" : "10",
        "rx" : {
            "bytes" : "102542",
            "dropped" : "0",
            "errors" : "0",
            "frame" : "0",
            "overruns" : "0",
            "packets" : "797",
        "tower" : "2802",
        "tx" : {
            "bytes" : "44841",
            "carrier" : "0",
            "collisions" : "0",
            "dropped" : "0",
            "overruns" : "0",
            "packets" : "648",
            "queueLength" : "3"
        "uptime" : "104603"
    "status" : "success"