Description: PPP settings : OBJECT
Element | Type | Description |
authentication | OBJECT | Specifies the PPP authentication settings |
password | STRING | Specifies the password of the PPP account |
type | STRING | Specifies the type of authentication to use when connecting to PPP: PAP, CHAP or PAP-CHAP (default:’PAP-CHAP’) |
username | STRING | Specifies the username of PPP account |
cellularMode | STRING | Specify how the device should connect to available cellular networks. Select ‘2g’ or ‘3g’ or ‘4g’ to exclusively connect to a chosen network and do not fallback to any other network mode in case of no coverage. Select ‘2g,3g,4g’ to connect to the preferable network and fallback to other network in case no coverage. Options: [2g,3g,4g] : (default: auto) |
connectTimeout | UINT | Specifies the amount of time in seconds to wait for a connection while in receive mode (default:90) |
dialOnDemand | BOOL | Enables or disables dial on demand : (default:false) |
diversity | BOOL | Enables or disables antenna diversity : (default:true) |
enabled | BOOL | Enables or disables PPP connection : (default:false) |
idleTimeout | UINT | Specifies the amount of time in seconds before a connection is considered idle and is disconnected (default:180) |
keepAlive | OBJECT | Specifies the PPP keep alive settings |
dataRecv | OBJECT | Keeps the PPP connection alive as long as data is being received |
enabled | BOOL | Enables or disables the data receive monitor (default:false) |
window | UINT | Specifies the size of the connection window in minutes (default:0) |
enabled | OBJECT | Enables or disables the keep alive feature |
hostname | STRING | Specifies the name of a host that can accept a PPP connection |
icmpCount | UINT | Specifies the number of pings to send (default:4) |
packetSize | UINT | Specifies the packet size of pings to send (default:56) |
pingInterval | UINT | Specifies the interval to send pings, in seconds (default:60) |
radioReboot | OBJECT | Reboot the radio in addition to restarting pppd after back-off |
enabled | BOOL | Enables or disables radio reboot functionality (default:false) |
tcpPort | UINT | Specifies the connection port on a host (default:0) |
type | STRING | Specifies the method used for keep alive, ICMP or TCP (default:ICMP) |
maxRetries | UINT | Specifies the maximum acceptable number of retries before failure (default:0) |
modem | OBJECT | Specifies the modem settings |
apnString | STRING | Specifies the APN connection string designated by the service provider |
baudRate | UINT | Specifies the baud rate of the modem (default:115200) |
commands | ARRAY | Contains a list of AT commands to send to the modem after a successfully connection |
contextId | UINT | Specifies context definition id used with AT+CGDCONT |
contextIpMode | STRING | Specifies PDP type, the type of IP address assigned to the PDP Context (AT+CGDCONT command). Options are IP, IPV6, IPV4V6, AUTO (default:auto) |
connectString | STRING | Specifies the string to send to the modem after successful connection (default:’CONNECT’) |
dialNumber | STRING | Specifies the number the modem should dial for connection (default:’*99***1#’) |
dialPrefix | STRING | Specifies the prefix to add to the number being dialed (default:’ATDT’) |
fwSwitch | STRING | Specifies a specific firmware image to use on radios embedding 2 different firmware images: ‘0’ for automatic, ‘vz’ for Verizon, ‘att’ for AT&T compatible (default:’0′) |
initStrings | ARRAY | Contains a list of init strings to send to the modem (default:[‘AT+CSQ’]) |
simPin | STRING | Specifies the PIN used to unlock the SIM |
mru | UINT | Specifies the maximum receive unit. The value must be between 128 and 16384. Note that for the IPv6 protocol, the MRU must be at least 1280 (default:1500) |
mtu | UINT | Specifies the maximum transmit unit. The value must be between 128 and 16384. Note that for the IPv6 protocol, the MTU must be at least 1280 (default:1500) |
nat | BOOL | Enables or disables the NAT feature (default:true) |
netreg | OBJECT | Specifies network registration settings |
enabled | BOOL | If true, radio will reset after the netreg timeout, if false, radio will not reset |
timeout | UINT | Specifies the number of minutes the API will wait for a network registration to occur before resetting the radio (if enabled) (range 10 – 1440) |
powerOnInitString | STRING | Specifies the string to send to the radio on boot up |
protocol | STRING | Specifies the protocol to use when connecting to the modem, PPP or WWAN (default:’PPP’) |
wakeUpOnCall | OBJECT | Determines the wake-up behavior of radio when a call comes in |
ackString | STRING | Specifies the string used to acknowledge the receipt of an SMS to the delivering SMSC |
callerIds | OBJECT | Contains a list of valid caller IDs for wake-up |
action | STRING | Specifies the action to perform on wake-up |
text | STRING | Specifies the text of a wake-up SMS message or caller-ID value |
type | STRING | Specifies the type of call, CALLER or SMS |
delay | UINT | Specifies the amount of time to wait after call before reconnecting in seconds (default:10) |
enabled | BOOL | Enables or disables the wake-up on call feature (default:false) |
fromLan | BOOL | Enables or disables wake-up on LAN activity (default:false) |
initStrings | ARRAY | Contains a list of cellular radio AT init strings |
onCallerId | BOOL | Enables or disables wake-up on caller ID (default:false) |
onRing | BOOL | Enables or disables wake-up on ring (default:false) |
onSms | BOOL | Enables or disables wake-up on SMS (default:false) |