MQTT bridge
Description: MQTT bridge settings : ARRAY
Element | Type | Description |
__v | UINT | Version of model [1] |
bridge | ||
authMethod | STRING | Authentication method for MQTT bridge [no Auth] |
certificate | STRING | Imported local RSA certificate contents (PEM) |
cleanSession | BOOL | Enable or disable feature where all subscriptions and messages are cleaned up if the connection drops [false] |
clientID | STRING | Unique identifier name of the MQTT broker |
enabled | BOOL | Enable or disable the MQTT broker to act as a bridge [false/disabled] |
identity | STRING | Identity for a Pre-Shared Key as part of the psk authentication method (optional) |
notifications | BOOL | Enables or disables notifications to local and remote brokers regarding the state of the bridge connection [true/enabled] |
password | STRING | Password for userPass authentication method (optional) |
privateKey | STRING | RSA Private key (PEM) for Imported Certificate authentication method |
protocolVersion | STRING | Version of the MQTT protocol [mqttv31] |
psk | STRING | User defined Pre-Shared Key for the psk authentication method (optional) |
secondaryAddress | STRING | Backup or secondary address of the server for MQTT broker (optional) |
secondaryPort | STRING | Backup or secondary port for MQTT broker (optional) |
serverAddress | STRING | Primary server address for the MQTT broker |
serverPort | STRING | Primary server port for the MQTT broker |
tlsEnabled | BOOL | Enable or disable SSL/TLS support during connection [false/disabled] |
topics | ARRAY | Topics that the MQTT broker uses to filter messages for the connected client |
tryPrivate | BOOL | Enabled or disable the bridge to indicate the remote broker that it is a bridge, not an ordinary client [true/enabled] |
username | STRING | Username for the userPass authentication method (optional) |
verifyHostname | BOOL | Enable or disable the bridge to verify the hostname provided in the remote certificate matches the host/address being connected to [false/disabled] |