
Description: list of configured IP pipes : ARRAY

Element Type Description
_v UINT Version of model [2] (automatic)
activation STRING The signal to start a connection
bufferTimeoutMs UINT Timeout after which the data will be sent to the network if the buffer is not full (in milliseconds)
description STRING Summary or description of the pipe
enabled BOOL Enables or disables a pipe
ip STRING IP address of the remote end of the pipe
mode BOOL Specifies whether the local end point is a client, server, or both
name STRING Label of the pipe
port UINT Port number of the remote end point when in CLIENT mode, or listening port when in SERVER mode
protocol STRING Specifies the internet protocol to use (UDP, TCP or SSL/TLS)
secondaryIp STRING Specifies the IP address of the secondary server; this server is contacted if a connection can not be made to the first, must be in CLIENT mode
secondaryPort STRING Specifies the port of the secondary server; this server is contacted if a connection cannot be made to the first, must be in CLIENT mode
sequence STRING Character or stream of characters that terminate the pipe, requires the termination mode to be SEQUENCE
serialReadBufSize UINT Size of buffer for reading data from serial port and sending to network (in bytes)
source STRING Specifies the source defined by the local device to convert data to and from IP communication
termination STRING Mode used for terminating the pipe
timeoutSeconds UINT Amount of inactivity allowed before the pipe closes (in seconds), requires the termination mode to be TIMEOUT
type STRING Type of pipe, currently only serial-to-ip and bluetooth-to-ip are supported