T.37 Advanced Usage
Below you will find examples of T.37 (email to fax) implementation using Multi-Tech Systems FaxFinder x30 family unit (which includes the FF130, FF230, FF430 and FF830 models).
The lines that mention RFC (Request For Comment) numbers can be looked up online at the IETF website (www.ietf.org) for further details.
Sample addresses:
FAX=+111-222-3333@ FAX=111-222-3333@example.test FAX=111-222-3333/COVER-PAGE-ENABLED=1@example.test FAX=111-222-3333/FAX-PRIORITY=5@example.test FAX=1234/INLINE-COMMENTS=false@faxfinder.example.test
The minimal specification [@See: RFC 2304] of a fax in e-mail address is:
fax-email = ["/"] fax-address ["/"] "@" mta-I-fax fax-address = fax-mbox [ t33s ] fax-mbox = "FAX=" global-phone global-phone = "+" 1*( DIGIT / written-sep ) written-sep = ( "-" | "." ) t33s = "/" t33-sep "=" sub-addr t33-sep = "T33S" sub-addr = 1*( DIGIT )
Faxfinder additions:
cover-page-enabled = "/" cover-page-enabled-sep "=" value cover-page-enabled-sep = "COVER-PAGE-ENABLED" value = "false" | "true"
cover-page-name = "/" cover-page-name-sep "=" value cover-page-name-sep = "COVER-PAGE-NAME" value = 1*PCHAR
receipt = "/" receipt-sep "=" value receipt-sep = "RECEIPT" value = "always" | "never" | "failure"
The fax priority specifies the order of scheduling. 0 is highest and 5 is lowest
fax-priority = "/" fax-priority-sep "=" priority fax-priority-sep = "FAX-PRIORITY" priority = 0 .. 5
Inline comments specifies whether the message body is treated as cover page comments or not. By default, the first inline text body part will be used as the cover page comments. This can be changed by setting /INLINE-COMMENTS=false.
inline-comments = "/" inline-comments-sep "=" value inline-comments-sep = "INLINE-COMMENTS" value = "false" | "true"
The recipient-name specifies the personal name of the recipient:
attn = "/" recipient-name "=" pers-name recipient-name = "ATTN" pers-name = [ givenname "." ] [ initials "." ] surname surname = printablestring givenname = 1*( DIGIT / ALPHA / SP / "'" / "+" / "," / "-" / "/" / ":" / "=" / "?" ) initials = 1*ALPHA org = "/" org-sep "=" org-str org-sep = "ORG" org-str = PCHAR PCHAR = 1*( DIGIT / ALPHA / SP / "'" / "(" / ")" / "+" / "," / "-" / "." / "/" / ":" / "=" / "?" )
* A printable string is 0x20-0x7E.
Note: All printable ASCII may be allowed by this implementation of t.37, but other forwarding agents and UAs may be incompatible. Evolution gets confused when sending an ORG with spaces, for instance. Also commas “,” blow up everything.
FaxFinder fax in e-mail address:
fax-email = ["/"] fax-address ["/"] "@" mta-I-fax fax-address = fax-mbox [ t33s ] [ cover-page-enable ] [ fax-priority ] [ attn ] [ org ] fax-mbox = "FAX=" ( global-phone / local-phone ) global-phone = "+" 1*( DIGIT / gwritten-sep ) gwritten-sep = ( "-" / "." ) local-phone = 1*( DIGIT / "a" / "c" / "s" / "*" / "#" / "!" / "$" / "^" / "&" / lwritten-sep ) lwritten-sep = ( "-" / "." / "(" / ")" / " " )
Fax numbers can be assembled as local-phone numbers (without the leading ‘+’). Local phone is less strict and will accept additional characters. The set of acceptable characters for local-phone are “acs0123456789*#!$^&-.() “.
t37 will substitute certain charcharacter before passing the message along to be scheduled.
fax-addr is either local-phone or global-phone stripped of unnecessary characters. If fax-addr is a local-phone then t33s is not necessary as “#” is allowed in local-phone.
Character substitutions:
- “a” => “@”
- “c” => “,”
- “s” => “;”
- “-” => “”
- “.” => “”
- “(” => “”
- “)” => “”
- ” ” => “”
Supported document types/attachments:
- text/plain
- application/pdf
- application/postscript
- application/eps
- application/x-eps
- image/eps
- image/x-eps
- image/tiff
- image/tiff-fx