Ruby Example Code


  • A very basic Ruby code sample that will allows to send a fax to the Multitech Fax Finder device  using API interface.


  • This should work on any Ruby version 1.8.6 or newer. This was tested with Ruby Interpreter 1.9.2-p0 RubyInstaller on Windows at (Please test this)
  • Download the Ruby sample source code here. (Use CGIT instead)

Notes: The contained two files:

  • sendfax.rb.
  • schedule.xml.

Modify schedule.xml

Load the schedule.xml file into your favorite editor, find the section below, and modify the fax number to point to your recipient fax number:

<fax_number>5138 </fax_number>

Save it.

Run sendfax.rb

Change the script so that it takes parameters for hostname and username and password.

Then just say to run it from the command line like:

ruby sendfax.rb ip_address username password

Now, if you web into your FaxFinder device and go to Status & Log -> Fax Status, you should be able to see the Fax Finder is sending out a fax.