Java Example Code


  • A very basic Java code sample that will show how to send a fax to the Multitech Fax Finder device using Web Service API.



  • Unzip the onto your Netbean Projects folder.
  • Copy the content of the Jarfiles folder and put it in C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\jre\lib\ext

Modify schedule.xml

Load the schedule.xml file into your favorite editor, find the section below, and modify the fax number to point to your recipient fax number:


Save it.


Double clicks on Netbean IDE 6.8 icon and select File -> Open Project -> Browse to  SendFax folder -> Click Open Project .  Double clicks on Source Packages to expand it out -> Double clicks on to load the file into the main windows.  Modify the following:

Change the user name and password.

Credentials credential = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("admin",
new String("admin"));

Change the IP address to point to your Fax Finder’s IP address.

PostMethod post = new PostMethod("");

Save and Run it.

Now, if you web into your FaxFinder device and go to Status & Log -> Fax Status, you should be able to see the Fax Finder is sending out a fax.