Development Examples
Building HelloWorld without BitBake
The following example shows how to build a simple C application, transfer it to the device using SCP, and run it over an SSH connection.
# set PATH to include the toolchain # (assumes OETREE is set from and build system is x86_64) export PATH=$PATH:${OETREE}/build/tmp/sysroots/x86_64-linux/usr/armv5te/bin # compile and link helloworld.c arm-corecdp-linux-gnueabi-gcc -o helloworld helloworld.c # copy to device in /usr/bin/ scp helloworld root@ # ssh to device and run it ssh root@ helloworld
Building HelloWorld with a BitBake recipe
The following example shows how to package a simple C application using a BitBake recipe. First, the recipe is created. Then the package is built and copied to the device using SCP. Lastly, opkg is used to install the package on the device.
# create a recipe cd ${OETREE}/user-layer/recipes mkdir helloworld cd helloworld # (create, see below for contents) # (create helloworld.c) # build package cd ${OETREE} bitbake helloworld # copy the package to the device scp build/tmp/deploy/eglibc/ipk/armv5te/helloworld_1.0.0-r0.10_armv5te.ipk root@ # install the package ssh root@ cd /var/tmp opkg install helloworld_1.0.0-r0.10_armv5te.ipk # run it helloworld
To install the helloworld package into a custom filesystem image that can be flashed into the device, see Creating a Custom Image
For further explanation of this recipe, see Writing BitBake Recipes
DESCRIPTION = "HelloWorld" SECTION = "examples" LICENSE = "GPL" SRC_URI = "file://helloworld.c" S = "${WORKDIR}" do_compile() { ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} helloworld.c -o helloworld } do_install() { install -d ${D}${bindir} install -m 0755 helloworld ${D}${bindir} }