- DeviceHQ
- Account API
- Account API Extensions for Task Management
- New End Points
- Examples
- Detailed Request Examples
- Create an Install App Task
- Create an Install App Task on a Device, Specifying App Version
- Create an Install App Task on a Device, Specifying App Version and Configuration
- Create an Uninstall App Task on a Device
- Create an Upgrade Firmware Task on a Device
- Create an Upgrade Radio Firmware Task on a Device
- Create an Apply Configuration Task on a Device
- Create an Apply App Configuration Task on a Device
- Retrieve Detailed Information about a Single Task on a Device
- Cancel a Task Created for a Device
- Delete a Task on a Device
- Retrieve Detailed Information about Apps Installed on a Device
- Retrieve Detailed App Information
- Retrieve Tasks for a Device
- Retrieve a List of Apps Belonging to Your Account
- Retrieve a List of Device Firmwares that are Public or Belong to Your Account
- Retrieve a List of Radio Firmwares that are Public or Belong to Your Account
- Retrieve a List of Device Configurations Belonging to Your Account
- Error Responses
- mPower
- Configurations for mPower
- LoRa Configuration
- Reset Button Behavior for mPower
- Call Home Remote Management
- Conduit mPower API
- Creating a Custom Application
- How to Create Certificates and CA Certificates
- Connect Node-RED to Any Cloud Service’s REST API
- UE Mode of Operation (CEMODE) issue for AT&T
- Updating Packages
- mPower Firmware Changelog
- mPower Resolutions
- mLinux
- About mLinux
- Getting Started with mLinux
- Configure Modes
- Upgrading mLinux
- Application Development
- Getting Started with MTCDT-246L (using mLinux)
- Using mLinux
- Flashing mLinux Firmware
- Log in as Admin Post-Production
- Setting administrative passwords
- Changing the password
- Naming the Device
- Sudoers file
- LoRa Configuration
- Upgrade LoRa Server & Packet Forwarder
- Cellular Connection
- Configure monit for pppd and lora-packet-forwarder
- Start Cell Connection on Boot
- OPKG Package Manager
- bluez5 PAN Setup
- bluez5 Serial Setup
- Enabling Receive Diversity on MTCDT-H5
- Hardware I/O Usage
- Using Accessory Cards with mLinux
- Pairing
- Bluetooth
- Bluetooth Low Energy
- Wi-Fi Access Point
- Ethernet Bonding
- Wi-Fi Station
- Included Software Utilities
- Reset for mLinux (Factory Defaults or Reboot)
- Ethernet Hotplug
- Php-fpm (New fast CGI server)
- mLinux glossary
- Using LXFP to Upgrade Telit Firmware
- Using UXFP to Upgrade Telit Firmware
- Supercap Feature
- Building Images
- mLinux Changelog
- LoRa Network Server Changelog
- mLinux Resolutions
- mDot
- mPower Software
- MTR, Conduit, and Conduit 300 API Reference
- Requests
- Responses
- Collection Endpoints
- apps
- appStore
- alert
- autoReboot
- autoDialout
- backOffTimers
- battery
- bluetooth
- bluetoothLowEnergy
- bootloader
- brand
- btDevices
- cacertificates
- callHome
- cellTimeSync
- certificate
- customApps
- customAppsConfig
- ddns
- devices
- dhcp
- dns
- docker
- filters
- firewall
- gps
- greTunnels
- ipPipes
- ipsecTunnels
- lan
- lldp
- log
- lora
- loraNetwork
- MQTT broker
- nat
- ni
- nodeRed
- ovpn
- packages
- passwordComplexityRules
- policy
- ppp
- radius
- remoteAccess
- resetButton
- remoteManagement
- routes
- saveAndRestore
- scada – BACnet
- secureProtocols
- selfDiagnostic
- serial
- serialModemPassthrough
- sms
- smtp
- snmp
- sntp
- syslog
- system
- trustedIp
- users
- waninfo
- wanmngr
- wifi
- Commands
- Statistics
- Appendix
- Using curl for Commissioning
- Using Curl to Enable PPP
- Using Curl to Log In
- Using Curl to Save the Current Configurations and Reboot
- Using Curl to Add a Firewall DNAT Rule
- Using Curl to Add a Firewall Filter Rule
- Using Curl to Delete a Firewall Filter Rule by Name
- Using Curl to Delete a Firewall Filter Rule by Index
- Using Curl to Send an SMS
- Using Curl to Delete an SMS
- Using wget to Send SMS
- Using Curl to Manage CA certificates
- Using Curl to Manage Telit Radio Firmware Upgrade
- Using Curl to Upload and Check Firmware Upgrade File
- Find out the Hardware Version
- API Changes
- Modbus Query Information
- MTR, Conduit, and Conduit 300 API Reference
- mDot Box/EVB
- LoRa
- Class C Walkthrough
- Cloud Connector
- Configuring Two LoRa Cards on a Conduit
- Glossary
- Installing Chirpstack Bridge
- Introduction to LoRa
- Listen Before Talk
- LoRaWAN Multicast Setup and Firmware Updates OTA
- Packet Filtering
- Running Basic Station on Conduit
- Spectral Scan
- LoRa Network Server
- Conduit mPower: LoRa Communication and Node-RED
- Conduit AEP: Convert to Basic Packet Forwarder
- Getting Started with LoRa Conduit AEP (LoRa Configuration)
- Getting Started with LoRa Conduit mLinux (LoRa Configuration)
- Conduit mLinux: LoRa Communication
- Conduit mLinux: Convert to Basic Packet Forwarder
- Conduit mLinux: Configure for The Things Network
- Conduit Access Point: Getting Started with LoRa
- Troubleshooting LoRa Communication
- LoRa Resolutions
- SocketModem MTQ
- CoreCDP
- FaxFinder
- C ++ Example Code
- C# Example Code
- Java Example Code
- Perl Example Code
- Php Example Code
- Python Example Code
- Ruby Example Code
- Web Services API
- Faxing APIs
- User APIs
- Contact and Group APIs
- Cover Page API
- Fax Status APIs
- Fax Log APIs
- FaxFinder Configuration APIs
- Deleting Inbound Routes
- Editing Inbound Routes
- Editing Modem Settings (FF240, FF440, or FF840)
- Editing SIP Settings (FF240-IP only)
- Editing Store and Forward (T.37) Settings
- Editing T38 Settings (FF240-IP only)
- Viewing Add Global Contacts Status of Non-Admin Users
- Viewing Inbound Routes
- Viewing Modem Settings (FF240, FF440, or FF840)
- Viewing SIP Settings (FF240-IP only)
- Viewing Store and Forward (T.37) Settings
- Viewing T38 Settings (FF240-IP only)
- FaxFinder Information APIs and Elements
- T.37 Advanced Usage
- iSMS
- Powering Down Any -H5, -EV3, -C2, and -G3 Device