Configuring the MTPCIE-DK1 Developer Board
To use the MTPCIE-DK1 developer board with an MT100EOCG and an MTPCIE Bluetooth/Wi-Fi device:
- Position jumpers next to USB 3G connector J4 in the 2,3 position.
- Install the radio and MT100EOCG on the MTPCIE-DK1 developer board and power up the board.
- Connect the serial cable between the computer’s serial port and the MT100EOCG debug DB9 connector.
- Run terminal software on the computer with the serial port configured as: 115.2K Bits per second 8 Data bits None Parity 1 Stop bits None Flow control.
- Power up the MTPCIE-DK1. Linux boots up and the command prompt appears.
- Enter root as the default user name and password.