L4E1 Cellular Radio Firmware Update
These instructions help you to update the cellular radio firmware for all Conduit platforms with L4E1 radios (MTCDT-L4E1, MTCDTIP-L4E1, and MTCAP-L4E1).
- Enabled SSH via ethernet LAN in order to copy the firmware to the unit.
- The device’s /tmp should have > 110MB space available.
- Disable cellular on the UI if it’s in WWAN mode (mPower only).
1. Go to the Downloads page and download the zip file for the L4E1 Cellular Radio Firmware Update Files. Unzip these files.
2. Copy the LE910C4-EU_25.20.676_CUST_069_perf_STR.bin ,l4e1_flash abd uxfp files to /tmp using a program like winscp or Filezilla.5.1.8
3. Verify that you are on a lower version of radio module firmware
sudo -s radio-cmd at+gmr
If the system returns 25.20.673, then proceed to step 3. If it reutrns “M0F.670006” then the firmware has already upgraded. Stop here. You don’t have to do the remaining steps.
4. Login through ssh using program like putty and then copy l4e1_flash and uxfp from /tmp to /home/root
(password same as the admin password to elevate privileges to root)
cp /tmp/l4e1_flash /home/root/. cp /tmp/uxfp /home/root/.
5. Check file permissions if not executable and owned by root do:
chmod 755 /home/root/l4e1_flash chmod 755 /home/root/uxfp chown root:root /home/root/l4e1_flash chown root:root /home/root/uxfp
6. Upgrade firmware
/home/root/l4e1_flash /tmp/LE910C4-EU_25.20.676_CUST_069_perf_STR.bin
7. After the device reboots, login via ssh and verify that the upgrade was successful.
sudo -s radio-cmd at+gmr The command should return the value M0F.670006
Cleanup: Remove uxfp and l4e1_flash scripts from /home/root
sudo -s rm -rf /home/root/l4e1_flash rm -rf /home/root/uxfp
Here is an example of how the output should look:
mtcdt login: admin Password: Last login: Mon Jun 29 21:18:29 UTC 2020 on ttyS0 admin@mtcdt:~$ sudo -s Password: root@mtcdt:/var/config/home/admin# radio-cmd at+gmr 25.20.673
OK root@mtcdt:/var/config/home/admin# cp /tmp/l4e1_flash /home/root/. root@mtcdt:/var/config/home/admin# cp /tmp/uxfp /home/root/. root@mtcdt:/var/config/home/admin# chmod 755 /home/root/l4e1_flash root@mtcdt:/var/config/home/admin# chmod 755 /home/root/uxfp root@mtcdt:/var/config/home/admin# chown root:root /home/root/l4e1_flash root@mtcdt:/var/config/home/admin# chown root:root /home/root/uxfp root@mtcdt:/var/config/home/admin# /home/root/l4e1_flash /tmp/LE910C4-EU_25.20.676_CUST_069_perf_STR.bin l4e1_flash: executing this l4e1_flash: Attempting to Flash...This might take upto 15mins. DO NOT DISCONNECT OR UNPLUG l4e1_flash: After upgrade device will reboot automatically
Broadcast message from root@mtcap (pts/0) (Mon Mar 16 19:46:33 2020):
The system is going down for reboot NOW!
mtcdt login: admin Password: Last login: Mon Jun 29 22:32:31 UTC 2020 on ttyS0 admin@mtcdt:~$ sudo -s Password: root@mtcdt:/var/config/home/admin# radio-cmd at+gmr M0F.670006
OK root@mtcdt:/var/config/home/admin# rm -rf /home/root/l4e1_flash root@mtcdt:/var/config/home/admin# rm -rf /home/root/uxfp ----------------------------------------------------------------------------