Yi Wei

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  • in reply to: mDot AU915 Device MIC Addr Invalid #27269
    Yi Wei

    That should be what I need, thank you!

    in reply to: mDot AU915 Device MIC Addr Invalid #27264
    Yi Wei

    Yes, I mean though the mDot.h library. So far the only function I found from the library related to this issue is resetNetworkSession function. I’m not sure whether it can fix my problem or not.

    in reply to: mDot AU915 Device MIC Addr Invalid #27262
    Yi Wei

    Is there a way to do it through coding the firmware?

    in reply to: mDot AU915 Device MIC Addr Invalid #27252
    Yi Wei

    Thank you very much Jason! Is there a way we can get the MIC and reboot the transmitter if it exceeds 16 bits length via code?

    in reply to: mDot P2P mode, failed to set tx datarate #26532
    Yi Wei

    OK thanks. I was able to use data rate 0 in old firmware, but it only allows 11 bytes, is that data rate valid and can I reach the longest range with that being set? Is data rate 0 – 3 going to be supported in the AU915 plan in the future as I saw there are some comments in the peer to peer example code saying that data rate 0-3 should be available under AU915 plan.

            case lora::ChannelPlan::AU915:
                // 500kHz channels achieve highest throughput
                // DR_8 : SF12 @ 500kHz
                // DR_9 : SF11 @ 500kHz
                // DR_10 : SF10 @ 500kHz
                // DR_11 : SF9 @ 500kHz
                // DR_12 : SF8 @ 500kHz
                // DR_13 : SF7 @ 500kHz
                // DR_0 - DR_3 (125kHz channels) available but much slower
                tx_frequency = 915500000;
                tx_datarate = lora::DR_0;
                // 915 bands have no duty cycle restrictions, set tx power to max
                tx_power = 20;
    in reply to: mDot Peer to Peer communication #23129
    Yi Wei

    OK, the problem is caused by running 3 nodes at the same time. I could read the received data from serial port but when access it from code, it becomes empty.

    Yi Wei

    The sendData() function in the example calls the send() function inside mDot.h

    int32_t send(const std::vector<uint8_t>& data, const bool& blocking = true, const bool& highBw = false);

    So it only accepts vecotr<uint8_t> data. In C/C++ uint8_t and char occupy same memory space so you can convert your string to a char* to fit the function.

    Try this:
    ` char string_buffer[];
    //* Parse your data to string_buffer here */
    for (int i = 0; i < strlen(string_buffer); i++)
    tx_data.push_back(((char*) string_buffer)[i]);

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Yi Wei.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Yi Wei.
    Yi Wei

    Yeah I found the same problem, so all I can do is set the data rate to 1 before every time send() gets called.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)