Jonathan Pickett
Forum Replies Created
Jonathan Pickett
ParticipantThis appears to be a problem with recent versions of mbed-rtos. Use the revision tab in the online compiler to revert the library to revision 111.
November 10, 2015 at 12:54 pm in reply to: Conduit no longer responding serial login on device port #9884Jonathan Pickett
ParticipantI am in U-Boot and my environment is showing that my U-Boot environment is not configured for flashing:
U-Boot> printenv baudrate=115200 bootargs=mem=256M console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock8 ro rootfstype=jffs2 bootcmd=nboot.jffs2 ${loadaddr} 0 ${kernel_addr}; bootm ${loadaddr} bootdelay=0 ethact=macb0 ethaddr=00:08:00:4a:01:6f filesize=EE0 hostname=AT91SAM9G25 ipaddr= kernel_addr=0x200000 loadaddr=0x22000000 nand_erasesize=20000 nand_oobsize=40 nand_writesize=800 netmask= serverip= stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial
I have downloaded the uboot-setenv-mtcdt script. How do I get the script to the device? The instructions are a little vague at that point.
November 10, 2015 at 11:13 am in reply to: Conduit no longer responding serial login on device port #9882Jonathan Pickett
ParticipantEnter runlevel: 5 INIT: Entering runlevel: 5 INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel
The device port is still unresponsive.
Are there instructions for reflashing the device?
Jonathan Pickett
ParticipantHi Brandon,
One other thing I have noticed is that:
root@mtcdt:/var/config/lora# /etc/init.d/lora-network-server restart
Stopping lora-network-server: start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 1278: No such process
Found lora card MTAC-LORA-915
Starting lora-network-server: OKThe server appears to start and then quits. This is the reason the restart fails and also explains why I am not seeing join attempts in the log.
JonathanJonathan Pickett
ParticipantI was able to flash the device. Reflashing does not appear to wipe out everything on the Conduit (LoRa config file, interface config file, etc.). But it does wipe out previously installed packages. That helps.
I am experiencing a new problem after reflashing. I had my mDot successfully joining the LoRa network prior to the reflash. So I have not changed anything on the mDot. If I reflash the factory image, tail -f /var/log/lora-network-server.log reports:
15:49:43:615|INFO| Parsing 2 rx packets
15:49:43:616|ERROR| Tossing join request, invalid NET EUI
15:49:43:618|WARNING| Tossing join request with duplicate nonceI then tried upgrading the lora-network-server and lora-packer-forwarder:
opkg install lora-network-server
opkg install lora-packet-forwarderserver version bumped from 0.0.3–>0.0.4
Now the log is reporting:
15:54:48:745|INFO| LoRa Network Server started, version 0.0.4
(nothing following this line)I am not seeing any join requests. I have verified that the network name/password/subband are what they were previously (file is unchanged from reflash). What should I try next?