johann van Niekerk
Forum Replies Created
johann van Niekerk
ParticipantThis is the basic setup steps required. when i run these steps and ask to join the network i get denied but when looking at the conduit node list i can see i have been registered successfully
johann van Niekerk
ParticipantSo managed to get this working 90% of the way.
the device registers on the conduit via OTAA process and i receive messages sent from node. my problem is i only receive a messages anywhere from 5- 30 minutes and my node is set to transmit every 60 seconds for testing. I think that the conduit is listening to all the bands and not just EU868 band since the same node and code worked fine when the conduit was setup a pckt forwarder to TTN.
johann van Niekerk
ParticipantHi Felix
Is your RN2903 a Mote or just a chip ? I have the RN2483 chip registered on my mlinux conduit via OTAA but not getting an messages in. there is a fair amount of mac commands that needs to be sent to the RN chips to set them up for comms with conduit. but first you need to insure your conduit(gateway) is correctly configure.
johann van Niekerk
ParticipantTech support on the ball ! up and running again
johann van Niekerk
ParticipantHi John
Thank you for the reply, I contacted tech support and they helped me with the reset procedure. up and running now
johann van Niekerk
ParticipantThanx Jeff
I have opened a ticket, hope these guys can help me…. this was suppose to be a routine procedure that has now stopped me in my tracks for the entire day.
johann van Niekerk
Participantis it not easier to mount a USB device with firmware and boot from usb to reload the code ?
johann van Niekerk
ParticipantI Have read that the device has to be reloaded using uboot procedure but im afraid the uboot step by step guide is not clear enough. what is minicom and how do you use it.
johann van Niekerk
ParticipantIm Sitting in the same boat! mind doing a step by step guide? I have tried but you lost me minicom. and downloading the file from git. everytime i click on the click is shows the content of the file and not download option.
johann van Niekerk
ParticipantThat doesn’t really answer my question but okay.
Is there away to upgrade the mlinux version to AEP?johann van Niekerk
ParticipantFew questions then
Can i install “Home assistant” on the conduit and setup a MQTT broker with the local address on the same device?
if not is there then no other why without development to connect this device to a remote Broker ?
johann van Niekerk
ParticipantDoes the conduit have to be in basic packet forward mode?
johann van Niekerk
Participanti think my version is outdated. when i do a help command i only get these options
Usage: lora-query [-t timeout] [-s] [-n]
Simple UDP client utility to pull info from LoRa Network server
–timeout (t) : UDP recv timeout, default: 100 (msecs)
–stats (s) : get LoRa Network server statistics
–node-list (n) : get Node List
–json (j) : data in json format
–help (?) : returns this message
–version (v) : print versionjohann van Niekerk
Participantim using putty. the only command that seems to work in the lora query tool is -list and -help
lora query –node-add ABCDEF01 A FEDCBA9876543210 0004A30B001A919F 1029384756AFBECD5647382910DACFEB AFBECD56473829100192837465FAEBDC is the test codes is the syntax correct ?
johann van Niekerk
ParticipantWhen i try and add 1
# node add [DevAddr] [APPEUI] [DEVEUI] [NwkSKey] [AppSKey]
to my gateway it just says the followingError: Cannot find module ‘/home/root/add’
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
at Module.runMain (module.js:492:10)
at process.startup.processNextTick.process._tickCallback (node.js:245:9)
root@mtcdt:~# -