Asier Galech

Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Mobile Connection and Signal #14384
    Asier Galech


    Yes, in the Radio Status web UI

    Thank You,


    in reply to: Node-red: Lora node restart only #12917
    Asier Galech


    When the “lora in” and “lora out” have many request in little time. In the log is written ” Connected to MQTT for LoRa in node.” and then these nodes not generate the “data” event to new messages sending from Lora devices.


    in reply to: Multitech not initiate #12606
    Asier Galech

    To reflashing COnduit AEP I need folliw this guide or other guide:

    And in the case that is this guide where I can download the .bin and .jsff2


    in reply to: Multitech not initiate #12595
    Asier Galech

    Debug interface output:

    net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter = 1<CR>
    INIT: Entering runlevel: 5<CR>
    Configuring network interfaces... done.<CR>
    Starting system message bus: dbus.<CR>
    macb f802c000.ethernet eth0: link up (100/Full)<CR><LF>
    jffs2: notice: (197) check_node_data: wrong data CRC in data node at 0x05fd3ce8: read 0xb34d2729, calculated 0x89dc5a7d.<CR><LF>

    Important: The Gateway is placed inside a wind turbine which is a very noisy environment.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Asier Galech.
    in reply to: Join Lora network via OTAA With RN2483 #12363
    Asier Galech


    With the latest RN2483 firmware, OTAA worked correctly.



    in reply to: Join Lora network via OTAA With RN2483 #12292
    Asier Galech

    Hi Bryam,

    The same problem in applying the command.



    in reply to: Join Lora network via OTAA With RN2483 #12282
    Asier Galech


    1. Public mode is enabled. The version wasn’t 1.0.8. I upgraded it but the Join OTAA still return “denied”.

    Upon looking at the log lora-network, I’ve seen that the gateway responds “Send Join Accepted”:

    8:2:12:267|TRACE| MQTT message: lora/00-04-a3-0b-00-1b-26-6a/packet_recv
    8:2:12:271|TRACE| SQL query = SELECT address FROM nodes WHERE deveui = "0004a30b001b266a";
    8:2:12:273|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE nodes SET jointime = "2016-04-27T08:02:12Z" WHERE address = "00000002                                                   "
    8:2:12:277|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE packets SET port = 123, seqno = 0, gateway = "008000000000aa84", time                                                    = "2016-04-27T08:02:12Z", microseconds = 233807, rssi = -25, channel = 2, lsnr_cB = 68, spread = 12, modu                                                   lationbandwidth = 125, data = "4e" WHERE node = "00000002"
    8:2:12:281|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE nodes SET lastuppacketid = 1, lastmessagems = 1234467 WHERE address =                                                    "00000002";
    8:2:12:284|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE gateways SET lastuppacketid = 1 WHERE address = "008000000000aa84";
    8:2:12:288|DEBUG| getTimeOnAirMs dr: 12 bw: 0 pl: 8 sz: 32 toa: 1810
    8:2:12:288|INFO| Send Join Accept - EUI: 00-04-a3-0b-00-1b-26-6a ADDR: 00000002
    8:2:12:289|INFO| Schedule TX Time on air: 1820 ms
    8:2:12:289|DEBUG| BestGatewayChannel::scheduleAt 565986 1820 868500000
    8:2:12:289|DEBUG| 0 : 00:80:00:00:00:00:aa:84
    8:2:12:290|DEBUG| now: 561288
    8:2:12:290|DEBUG| time: 565986 duration: 1820 freq: 868500000
    8:2:12:291|DEBUG| returning 00:80:00:00:00:00:aa:84
    8:2:12:291|DEBUG| Scheduling for Rx Window 1 00:00:00:02
    8:2:12:291|DEBUG| Send MQTT message
    8:2:12:292|DEBUG| UDP message: lora/00-04-a3-0b-00-1b-26-6a/joined
    8:2:12:292|DEBUG| UDP port: 1784
    8:2:12:294|WARNING| Recv'd frame failed CRC check
    8:2:12:294|WARNING| Recv'd frame failed CRC check
    8:2:12:294|WARNING| Recv'd frame failed CRC check
    8:2:12:295|DEBUG| Mosquitto command received 'packet_recv'
    8:2:12:296|TRACE| Unknown command 'packet_recv
    8:2:12:333|TRACE| Published message: 6
    8:2:12:372|TRACE| MQTT message: lora/00-04-a3-0b-00-1b-26-6a/joined
    8:2:12:373|TRACE| SQL query = SELECT address FROM nodes WHERE deveui = "0004a30b001b266a";
    8:2:12:374|DEBUG| Mosquitto command received 'joined'
    8:2:12:375|TRACE| Unknown command 'joined
    8:2:13:243|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    8:2:13:244|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:aa:84 seen IP address
    8:2:16:996|DEBUG| is frame ready?
    8:2:16:997|DEBUG| App Queue Length: 1
    8:2:16:997|DEBUG| BestGateway: 8000000000aa84
    8:2:16:997|DEBUG| Start
    8:2:16:998|INFO| Frame transmitted to 00:00:00:02 via GW (00:80:00:00:00:00:aa:84 Chan LC3                                                   )  Seq# 0
    8:2:16:998|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE nodes SET lastdownmsgseqno = 0 WHERE address = "00000002";
    8:2:17:1|DEBUG| App Data Queue: 1 front size: 33 available: 242
    8:2:17:2|DEBUG| check if front is join request 33 bytes
    8:2:17:4|DEBUG| Start
    8:2:17:5|TRACE| App Data Queue - Join Popped
    8:2:17:6|DEBUG| Transmitted Frame data
    000   20 d9 60 4d 35 c2 06 6a
    008   58 3d a4 bd 9b 58 18 24
    010   4e c1 59 33 f9 94 f7 c4
    018   57 70 87 29 d1 33 0f d7
    020   80
    8:2:17:7|DEBUG| rx1Offset: 0 rx1Datarate: 12
    8:2:17:8|DEBUG| Use JoinResponse Window Time
    8:2:17:21|DEBUG| JSON tx: {
       "txpk" : {
          "codr" : "4/5",
          "data" : "INlgTTXCBmpYPaS9m1gYJE7BWTP5lPfEV3CHKdEzD9eA",
          "datr" : "SF12BW125",
          "freq" : 868.5,
          "ipol" : true,
          "modu" : "LORA",
          "ncrc" : false,
          "powe" : 11,
          "rfch" : 0,
          "size" : 33,
          "tmst" : 517418140
    8:2:17:23|DEBUG| Band: 1 DutyCycle: 416142
    8:2:17:23|DEBUG| getTimeOnAirMs dr: 12 bw: 0 pl: 8 sz: 33 toa: 1810
    8:2:17:24|INFO| Band: 1 Time off air: 181000 ms
    8:2:17:24|INFO| Transmit UDP message to Gateway 195 bytes
    8:2:17:25|DEBUG| Send on socket 199 bytes, payload len: 195
    8:2:17:42|DEBUG| Set node active: 0
    8:2:17:45|DEBUG| Send MQTT message
    8:2:17:45|DEBUG| UDP message: lora/00-04-a3-0b-00-1b-26-6a/packet_sent {"codr":"4/5","data":"INlgTTXCBmpYP                                                   aS9m1gYJE7BWTP5lPfEV3CHKdEzD9eA","datr":"SF12BW125","freq":868.5,"ipol":true,"modu":"LORA","ncrc":false,"p                                                   owe":11,"rfch":0,"size":33,"tmst":517418140}
    8:2:17:46|DEBUG| UDP port: 1784

    2. The command ‘radio get freq’ returns the value ‘869500000’


    in reply to: Join Lora network via OTAA With RN2483 #12278
    Asier Galech

    Hi Bryan,

    Yes, I’ve followed these instructions. With the Join AEP, it worked correctly but with Join OTAA it still returns “denied”



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