david derrenberger
Forum Replies Created
david derrenberger
Participantwe never got a definite answer and nothing officially confirmed, but we were told by someone within one of the carriers that there was a limit on the number of messages a month. it was something like more than 1000 a week or 5000 a month triggers a throttle.. we gave our customer a 4 port iSMS modem so they could spread out their messages and so far so good. amazingly after we got the SIMs back from the customer and complained to the carrier they worked like nothing was wrong. so much for ‘unlimited’ texting.
david derrenberger
Participanti should also say that the messages from the customer is across the various networks to many different numbers, not just one or 2.
david derrenberger
Participantwell it can be upwards of 100 an hour, so i could see that. we have unlimited txting on the accounts. TM has even said that shouldn’t be the problem. I have done lots of throughput testing and have sent 100’s and 100’s back and forth and had no problems from my own iSMS modem, even with one of the ‘bad’ chips in question (before being sent out). it just seems to be this one customer. Thats where i was thinking the out of area code thing. very perplexing. when/if we get this resolved with the carrier i will for sure update this thread.
david derrenberger
ParticipantOddly enough, it does send in network. so even with the blocking, tmobile messages still go through to each other. one time a tech said they did see a block on a SIM, and removed it. that chip is still working across networks at the moment. However we have about 5 more that are still ‘blocked’. further calls to TM seem to get the run around like they are playing the ‘we don’t know why’ game. was just curious to see if anyone else had this problem. the sims are registered in our area code (719) but are being used/tested by a customer in 505 area code.
thanksdavid derrenberger
ParticipantSo i’m confused. In the 1.49j update there is now the auto reboot timer. wasn’t the purpose of the timer to reboot the modem and that would clear the inbox/outbox cache? as such it doesn’t do this and a full outbox is a major problem. Any other ideas to automate the inbox/outbox clearing?