Hi Aaron
Should be a simple one for you. Drag a HTTP node over to the pallet and drop below the debug node thats showing you the out put.
Connect it to the same out put from the previous node and configure the node to your destination.
Has any one listed examples on how to utilise the MicroSD card in either mLinux or AEP NodeRed?
Fix for later revisions of Ubunto – Supplied by Ruben From Matrix
Modify the following file in order to solve the compilation problem:
In the do_abi_check section, remove all the code and write the following:
echo “Skipping do_abi_check”
The problem is related to the gcc version and the way that it manages the abi check.
Has any-one any sample code that could be added to a router script to give an ADSL ( USB or Ethernet ) modem as the primary link and use the on board Cellular modem for a fail over solution?