I just tested again, with both xDots, and the problem still persists. I flashed both xDots with the same .bin file, in the same USB port (I switched the xDot in between). After Reset, one of them shows a complete printout, including my added “Printf to debug port”, caused by:
printf("Printf to debug port\r\n")
The other xDot, with the same bin file only sends the printf-text and no LogInfo. The xDot sending Info messages also sends the defaul “[INFO] Set radio to public mode.” and “xDot Ready” from the init of libxdot.
The xDots are of two different batches; the first one (where the logInfo function works) has a DOM 2019 08 16, the second one is marked with DOM 2016 10 27. Could that have something to do with the behavior?