Upgrade Python 2.7.3 to >=2.7.9

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  • #23914
    Stelios Pa

    Hello readers,

    currently I’m using Multitech conduit gateway as my playground and trying to communicate in/out traffic through a secure connection over MQTT broker.

    Thinking about safety first, I’m trying to connect to AWS IoT Core service which requires TLS 1.2

    The built in Python in mLinux 3.3.6 is Python 2.7.3 which does not provide TLS 1.2

    My first though was to upgrade Python to at least 2.7.9, is something like that possible?

    As seen here Fido recipes 2.7.9 package exists, how can i use it?


    Jeff Hatch


    You can probably use the recipes you mention, but you will most likely have to update/upgrade the version of bitbake that you use to build it with the version of mLinux you are using.


    Stelios Pa

    Is there any other recommended way to upgrade python version?

    thanks for you answer !

    Jeff Hatch


    The AEP 1.6 based on the Morty version of Yocto is being tested and is scheduled to be released next month. That version of AEP has Python 2.7.12 and should solve your problems with TLS.


    Stelios Pa

    Hello Jeff,

    thats great news, I’m happy to hear it because i’m stuck with Paho MQTT client, it requires SSLContext in order to make a secure connection. Python provides SSLContext from version >=2.7.9

    Let me correct myself, my mLinux version is 3.3.22!

    So till next month, are there any temporary, alternative, solutions?

    Generally speaking, are the below solutions possible?

    * build a python2.7.*.ipk using bitbake based on a Yocto (>=Fido) recipe, transfer the .ipk and install it through opkg? (or it’s not possible till mLinux 3.3.22 is based on Daisy?)

    * Creating a custom mLinux image following the instructions here with the desired upgrade and flash the device with it?

    * Is there a beta/nightly version of AEP 1.6 available?

    Is any of the above options possible?

    I’m asking because I don’t know where i should be oriented to in order to solve the problem, even temporary until the new firmware.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Stelios Pa. Reason: changed mlinux version
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by Stelios Pa. Reason: changed link
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