Hello Jeff,
thats great news, I’m happy to hear it because i’m stuck with Paho MQTT client, it requires SSLContext in order to make a secure connection. Python provides SSLContext from version >=2.7.9
Let me correct myself, my mLinux version is 3.3.22!
So till next month, are there any temporary, alternative, solutions?
Generally speaking, are the below solutions possible?
* build a python2.7.*.ipk using bitbake based on a Yocto (>=Fido) recipe, transfer the .ipk and install it through opkg? (or it’s not possible till mLinux 3.3.22 is based on Daisy?)
* Creating a custom mLinux image following the instructions here with the desired upgrade and flash the device with it?
* Is there a beta/nightly version of AEP 1.6 available?
Is any of the above options possible?
I’m asking because I don’t know where i should be oriented to in order to solve the problem, even temporary until the new firmware.
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
Stelios Pa. Reason: changed mlinux version
This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by
Stelios Pa. Reason: changed link