Unable To Start Packet Forwarder

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    I am having trouble starting the packet forwarder using the web interface.
    the status is always no matter how many times i restart or save and restart. Can someone help me out with this issue?

    Darrik Spaude


    You could try accessing the Conduit via SSH and try the following instructions:

    1) To see why the packet forwarder is not getting started, look at output of forwarder when run from the command line:

    # /etc/init.d/lora-network-server stop
    # cd /var/run/lora/1/
    # ./lora_pkt_fwd

    See troubleshooting guide in Downloads on this page.

    Troubleshooting LoRa Communication

    2) Try to manually reload the FPGA firmware. If this is not functioning as shown below, then there is a hardware issue:

    # mts-io-sysfs store lora/creset 0
    # mts-io-sysfs show lora/cdone
    0 <<-- Expected output # mts-io-sysfs store lora/creset 1 # mts-io-sysfs show lora/cdone 1 <<-- Expected output


    Thanks for the response. I trid running the above steps and i got the below response.
    `*** Beacon Packet Forwarder for Lora Gateway ***
    Version: 4.0.1
    *** Lora concentrator HAL library version info ***
    Version: 5.0.1;
    INFO: Little endian host
    INFO: found global configuration file global_conf.json, parsing it
    INFO: global_conf.json does contain a JSON object named SX1301_conf, parsing SX1301 parameters
    INFO: lorawan_public 1, clksrc 0
    INFO: LBT is disabled
    INFO: antenna_gain 0 dBi
    INFO: Configuring TX LUT with 16 indexes
    INFO: radio 0 enabled (type SX1257), center frequency 902700000, RSSI offset -162.000000, tx enabled 1, tx_notch_freq 0
    INFO: radio 1 enabled (type SX1257), center frequency 903500000, RSSI offset -162.000000, tx enabled 0, tx_notch_freq 0
    INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 0> radio 0, IF -400000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
    INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 1> radio 0, IF -200000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
    INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 2> radio 0, IF 0 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
    INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 3> radio 0, IF 200000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
    INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 4> radio 1, IF -400000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
    INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 5> radio 1, IF -200000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
    INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 6> radio 1, IF 0 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
    INFO: Lora multi-SF channel 7> radio 1, IF 200000 Hz, 125 kHz bw, SF 7 to 12
    INFO: Lora std channel> radio 0, IF 300000 Hz, 500000 Hz bw, SF 8
    INFO: FSK channel 8 disabled
    INFO: global_conf.json does contain a JSON object named gateway_conf, parsing gateway parameters
    INFO: gateway MAC address is configured to 00800000A000474D
    INFO: server hostname or IP address is configured to “”
    INFO: upstream port is configured to “1700”
    INFO: downstream port is configured to “1700”
    INFO: downstream keep-alive interval is configured to 1 seconds
    INFO: statistics display interval is configured to 30 seconds
    INFO: upstream PUSH_DATA time-out is configured to 100 ms
    INFO: duplicate packets received with low SNR will NOT be forwarded
    INFO: packets received with a valid CRC will be forwarded
    INFO: packets received with a CRC error will be forwarded
    INFO: packets received with no CRC will NOT be forwarded
    INFO: Auto-quit after 60 non-acknowledged PULL_DATA
    ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator


    I tried changing the global_config.json file but still getting the same erroe.Can you please help me out with this?


    I used sudo and was able to start the concentrator manually.

    sudo ./lora_pkt_fwd

    I have installed LoRa gateway bridge in my system and to make sure the packet forwarder send data to the bridge i used the below command

    sudo tcpdump -AUq port 1700

    but no response. I followed the below link for trouble shooting


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