the changes does not applied and store recived data

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    I have multitech ip67 with mpower firmware, when I change somthing by web user interface (e.g. network interface, port of network server), the changes does not applied on file in mlinux , and vice versa. is there any solution ?

    secondly, how I can store the date received on the network server of the gateway? and where are located when received ?


    Jeff Hatch


    Which version of mPower are you working with? On versions older than 5.2.1, it is necessary to reboot the device. Even on 5.2.1 you will have to hit the submit button and the Save & Apply button to have changes take effect.

    I believe that there is a Mosquitto broker on the device that the LoRa data can be read from.


    Jason Reiss

    Received packet data will be stored in the Network Server database and published to the local MQTT broker.

    The lora-query utility can be used to retrieve the packet data from the Network Server.

    LoRa Network Server

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