Stuck in auto join loop

Home Forums mDot/xDot Stuck in auto join loop

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  • #18362
    Bob Bloom

    configured mDot for AUTO OTA join mode At+NJM=2
    however upon power up the mDot can not join and is stuck in a loop Tried +++ to no avail. Any assistance would be appreciated.

    Joining network…
    Waiting 1 s before next join attempt
    Network Join failed


    Joining network…
    Waiting 1 s before next join attempt
    Network Join failed


    Joining network…
    Waiting 1 s before next join attempt
    Network Join failed



    That is so strange, the same thing just happened to me too.
    I was able to reproduce the problem on a second xDot as well.
    No matter what I try the xDot ignores every command I give it.


    Bob & Pascal,

    Please reset the dot, wait one second, enter +++ then wait one second. It needs to be exactly three ‘+’ characters with at least one second of no characters entered before and after the sequence of three ‘+’ characters.

    Kind regards,


    It took many tries of different timings but eventually I got it to work. The timing I used when I got it to work was 1500ms after reset.


    Oh yeah, THANKS!

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