SD card flashing details

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  • #15641
    Yusuf Goren


    Effectively, I am trying to remove the requirement to check if /var/volatile/do_flash_upgrade exists at boot-up. I found out that /etc/init.d/umountfs has the functions for the flash upgrade and I can easily by-pass the check. But in order to prevent multiple/circular flashing of the Conduit, I think that there must be a point where the script removes /var/volatile/do_flash_upgrade or flashes LED’s for a while to let the user know that the flashing is done and the card should be removed. Could you point me to the right direction here as how to modify which parts in the boot sequence? Also, is there a way to flash Conduit with an SD card out of the factory? (I need this so that I don’t have to connect to the Conduit to flash our own network settings and LoRa server scripts)

    Thanks a lot!

    Jeff Hatch


    You should not have to remove the do_flash_upgrade file if it is in /var/volatile. That directory is volatile and gets erased on reboot. That is why umountfs doesn’t reflash over and over again in the normal upgrade path.

    For flashing with and SD card out of the factory, please file a support portal case at


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