RN2483 + Conduit : AEP Model

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  • #13725
    Edson Calsin


    I’m using conduit gateway AEP with the RN2483 module from microchip in ABP mode.
    My configuration is :

    Gateway version 1.1.2
    – Frequency band: 868
    – Additional Channels Frequency (MHz): 867.5
    – Tx Power (dBm): 26
    – Rx 1 DR Offset: 0
    – Rx 2 Datarate: 12

    RN2483 version 1.0.1

    mac set ch drrange 0 0 6
    mac set ch status 0 on
    mac set ch drrange 1 0 6
    mac set ch status 1 on
    mac set ch drrange 2 0 6
    mac set ch status 2 on
    mac set devaddr 00000005
    mac set nwkskey iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    mac set appskey iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
    mac save
    mac join abp

    I can send messages via the command “mac tx (un)cnf x x” and I receive the acknowledgment from the server.
    Now I test adaptive data rate (ADR) via command “mac set adr on” and it works, Data Rate changes between DR0 and DR6.
    But DR6 correspond to “LoRa:SF7/250KHz” and when message is sent with this data rate, I don’t see the message in Node-Red.
    Why can I not see it ?
    Is there a way to change the data rate only between DR0 and DR5 ?
    Because I changed commands “mac set ch drrange 1 0 6” by “mac set ch drrange 1 0 5” and the result is the same, Data Rate changes between DR0 and DR6.



    Jason Reiss

    There is only one channel that the Conduit can receive at DR6:SF7BW250

    868.3 is set for SF7BW250.

    868.1 and 868.5 will always fail at DR6.

    The max datarate for ADR can be configured through the API after logging into the Web GUI.{"lora":{"maxDatarateEU":5}}&apply=now

    *** Quotes may need to be replace if copied from this web page.

    Edson Calsin

    Hi Jason,

    Thank you for the response.

    I tested your solution, I configured maxDatarateEU to 5, I did Save and Restart and I checked that the change is complete with :


    But Data Rate of RN2483 continues to change between DR0 and DR6.


    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Edson Calsin.
    Jason Reiss

    Configuration for ADR datarate range is not available in the 0.9.2 version of network server installed by default in AEP 1.1.2

    Please upgrade AEP to 1.2.2 or the network server to 1.0.8


    Edson Calsin

    Hi Jason,

    Thank you very much !

    The gateway works perfectly now with new version of network server.


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