Python 3.5.3+ support: azure-iot-device libarary

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  • #30171

    What is the Multitech roadmap to provide support for Python 3.5.3 or higher such that we can install the Azure-IoT-Device python library to take advantage of new and improved Azure IoT integrations?

    Currently there is another thread in this forumn which contains details on installing Python 3.5 but the Azure-IoT-Device library requires 3.5.3 at minimum. As well, the current default Python 2.7.12 is used by the system for the mqtt library so installing Azure-IoT-Device fails as it also has a dependency on mqtt which requires a newer version (1.1 installed currently, this library requires 1.5).

    Also related, the default Python version is 2.7.12 and Python 2.7 is now officially deprecated. When will the default Python for this device be upgraded to 3.*?


    • This topic was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by Reason: Additional info on installing Azure-IoT-Device on default Python 2.7.12
    Jeff Hatch

    Python 3.5.2 is available with the latest mLinux release 5.1.8 in the feeds at

    Python 3.5.3 was made available in Yocto in the rocko (2.4) release. I am not sure how compatible that bitbake recipe is with the one in Yocto Morty (currently used by Multitech Conduit). It is possible that it will just work with the current mLinux build, or it may not due to changes in bitbake.

    Work is being done to support Yocto Thud on the current Conduit, however, I am not aware of what timeframe that may be available in.


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