Only one pass and that's it?

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model Only one pass and that's it?

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  • #12868
    Terrence Spencer

    I am struggling to get my solution working with your product. If I can get it to work, I will use MultiTech’s hardware in my healthcare solution.

    Should my solution hit a home run then MultiTech’s sales will be large.

    It seems that tech support here passes one time, maybe twice, and then never again.

    I am new to LoRa and this stuff is complicated.

    Your paycheck should go up as more and more sales come in.

    I need help. Hold my hand until I get things working.

    Jason Reiss

    Please feel free to open a support ticket at This will get better attention than the forum posts. The forum is meant to be a community where users help each other not an extension of our support portal. We try to help out here as much as we can.

    Terrence Spencer

    Ok, thanks.

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