Multiple regions on a single hardware

Home Forums mDot/xDot Multiple regions on a single hardware

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  • #17872
    Mark Ruys

    Today I discovered . Does this mean we can use an xDot like a MTXDOT-NA1-A01, and use it for different regions, just by uploading different firmware images? Or even better, switch region by using some over the air command?

    Jason Reiss

    With the proliferation of regions being added to the LoraWAN specification. We will most likely not be able to include them all in one build, especially for the limited resources available on xDot.

    Mark Ruys

    I’m afraid the url of the repository dropped in my post, it’s:

    Okay, so a single xDot for multiple regions is asking too much. But do understand correctly that using the libxDot-Custom, you can use a say EU xDot and flash it with an 915 US firmware? And vice versa? Of course the antenna must be designed to match both frequencies. Or are there other gotcha?



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