MTCDTIP-L4E1-279L-868 (GW1) unable to factory reset

Home Forums Conduit: mLinux Model MTCDTIP-L4E1-279L-868 (GW1) unable to factory reset

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  • #32691
    sebastian barillaro

    Dear support team,

    I have a Multitech Conduit LoRaWAN Gateway MTCDTIP-L4E1-270L-868 that I am unable to access.
    Please do not confuse this post with another one that I just published about a gateway that I am also unable to access, but for a different reason. Yes, today has been a totally unsuccessful day 🙁

    This gateway has the IP address, I am able to ping it successfully. However, I am unable to ssh.
    I tried with all the combinations for user and password using the following terms: mtadm, root, admin, loginuser, password

    After many attempts, I tried to perform a factory reset. Pressing the reset button for 5, 15, 30, 45, 60 seconds… Nothing seems to work. After each reboot, I am able to ping the device again. However, the device does not accept any of my combinations for user and password when I try to ssh in.
    It is curious that after each reset try, the SSH fingerprint changes.

    After each failed attempt to ssh in, I receive the message: `mtadm@ Permission denied (publickey,password).

    Thank you for all the help you can provide in solving this (another) problem.

    With best regards

    Sebastian Barillaro

    Steve Kovarik


    Can you please provide the serial number of this Gateway.

    -Thank you.

    sebastian barillaro

    Dear Steve,

    Thank you very much for answering my message. The Serial number of this gateway is: 20695007

    With best regards


    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Sebastian

    Thank you for the device serial number. This allows me to identify the firmware version the device shipped from the factory with.
    The process & credentials to log in to the device depends on the firmware version running on the device.

    mLinux firmware version 3.x and lower use (username) root (password) root.
    mLinux firmware version 4.0.0 to 5.2 use (username) mtadm (password) root.
    mLinux firmware version 5.2.1 or higher have no default username/password and you
    would use a browser to browse to to commission the device
    with a username and password.

    SN#20695007 you provided shipped from MultiTech with mLinux version 5.1.8
    If the device is still running firmware 5.1.8 then (username) mtadm (password) root.

    If it is possible the mLinux firmware was updated then try accessing the device with web browser and see if the ‘commissioning’ page comes up.

    sebastian barillaro

    Hi Steve,

    I confirm I tried (again) all those values for username and password. No success at all.

    There is no connection at Actually, a port scanning detected only the port 22 open.

    I tried to reset to factory configuration. Still the same. The only thing it changed was The fingerprint for the ECDSA key when I try to ssh in. Still have no access to any of the credentials you provided.

    Thank you for guiding me in the resolution of the problem.

    With best regards

    Sebastian Barillaro

    sebastian barillaro

    Hi Steve,

    What solution would you suggest to solve this issue? Thanks!

    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Sebastian

    I suggest to open a support ticket to further analyze and troubleshoot.

    -Best Regards

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