MQTT topics published to by LoRaWAN network server.

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model MQTT topics published to by LoRaWAN network server.

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  • #21911


    I am using a MultiConnect® Conduit™ model MTCDT-LEU1 (AEP software) from the IoT Starter Kit for LoRa® Technology. (MTCDT-LEU1-247A Firmware 1.4.3, MTS Network Server – Version 1.0.31)

    In the MultiTech Developer Resources there is some documentation for the MQTT topics that can be used to interface with the LoRaWAN™ network server.

    MQTT Messages

    One of the output topics listed is the ‘join_rejected’ topic. The documentation indicates that it used when a join request has been denied due to a mismatched AppKey, UnknownDevEUI or Gateway Mismatch.

    I was wondering how it is possible for the server to reject the joining device based on its DevEUI value? I have not seen anything in the Conduit LoRa settings that that would allow me to configure a list of “approved” DevEUI values.

    I would also appreciate it if someone could elaborate on what constitutes a ‘Gateway Mismatch’.

    Finally, from what I have seen it appears that the network server is only publishing to a small subset of the topics listed and I was wondering why that would be the case.

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Arty29. Reason: Link stripped from original post
    Jason Reiss

    The documentation has been updated prior to an upcoming release.
    More details to come.


    Thanks Jason. Are you referring to an upcoming release of the network server? Also, do you have an ETA on the details and/or release?

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