mlinux 5.3.5 lora-packet-forwarder not automatically starting at boot

Home Forums Conduit: mLinux Model mlinux 5.3.5 lora-packet-forwarder not automatically starting at boot

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  • #32012

    Hi All,

    I’m unable to get the packet-forwarder to start at boot. Running /etc/init.d/lora-packet-forwarder start works fine.

    I have both of these set correctly
    Edit /etc/default/lora-network-server
    Edit /etc/default/lora-packet-forwarder

    I’m following the instructions at the link below:

    Conduit mLinux: Convert to Basic Packet Forwarder

    This as a fresh mlinux upgrade.

    During boot I notice there is nothing about lora-packet-forwarder

    Starting bluetooth
    disabled. see /etc/default/bluetooth
    etc_ntpd: No GPS, need to configure /etc/ntp.conf
    Starting syslogd/klogd: done
    bt-pan: disabled in /etc/default
    rfcomm: disabled in /etc/default
    Already loaded: [g_serial]
    php-fpm: disabled in /etc/default
    lighttpd: disabled in /etc/default
    Starting Mosquitto...
    lora-network-server: disabled in /etc/default
    Starting crond: OK
    setting /sys/class/leds/led-status/trigger to heartbeat
    Starting reset-handler
    monit: disabled in /etc/default
                _     _
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     | | | | | | |___| | | | | |_| |>  <
     |_| |_| |_|_____|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\
    MultiTech Systems mLinux GNU/Linux
    mLinux 5.3.5 mtcdt /dev/ttyS0

    In all the rcX.d directories there is nothing for ‘lora-packet-forwarder’

    What I’m I missing?


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