methods to avoid joining in AT CMD mode after powerup

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  • #19918
    Eric Tsai

    We have a use case where the xDot is operating in AT Command mode with an external MCU issuing the join/send/etc commands. The xDot is powered off completely, and power is reapplied when there is a sensor event and there is data to send to the Conduit. Even when the join mode is set to AUTO_OTA, join sessions are not preserved across power down states (only across sleep). This is a battery consumption issue because it forces us to join on every power-up/sensor event.

    I understand this would be easier if we can sleep/wake the xDot rather than having to power it off completely, as the Auto_OTA will save the session credentials in battery-backed registers and can be restored on wake. But if that’s not possible, what options are there to avoid having to re-join every single time but still use OTA / Auto_OTA on the initial join? I don’t see an AT command to write the session keys to flash and have it automatically read session keys from flash on power up. That would be a nice feature, as it gives the user complete control over re-join scheme.

    When join mode is set to Auto_OTA, can we still use AT+NA, AT+NSK, and AT+DSK to basically set the credentials on the xDot on a power up? So, a possible scheme might be to AT&V, parse the output for the Network Address, NSK, and DSK, and save it off on external flash on the PIC. Then on power up, AT+NA, AT+NSK, and AT+DSK with the saved credentials? The external MCU can still issue join commands if needed to get valid keys. This seems like a very backwards way of doing it though.

    Are there other options?

    I wish Auto_OTA saved credentials to flash.

    Jason Reiss

    Enable saving session over power cycle.

    Or AT+SS before power down and AT+RS after power up to save and restore the session manually in AT+NJM=1 OTA mode.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Jason Reiss.
    Eric Tsai

    LOL. Thanks Jason. I didn’t catch that when I RTFM 🙂

    Husam Ismail

    Thanks Jason, this is very helpful.
    The Dot seems to be able to AT+SS before power down and AT+RS after power up and send data (even receive ack back) just fine. However from the gateway side, for some reason, I don’t see the “up” packet while monitoring the UDP port, all I see is the packet_recv and packet_sent messages (usually I see “up” packet in between the two). Is there anything that I need to do/configure from the gateway side as well?

    Thanks again.

    Jason Reiss

    Perhaps first uplink is using the previous FCNT.
    Was ACK received before power off?

    Husam Ismail

    Yes, before power off I could see “up” message on gateway and Ack was received by end node. after power off I don’t see the “up” message on gateway at all and only packet_recv and packet_sent messages, although sometimes I could see Ack back on the end node. I will check the FCNT, thanks again.

    Husam Ismail

    Pilot error !!

    OK, I think I figured what I was doing wrong. to get it working properly I moved the AT+SS to the very last step just before powering off (I was previously sending this command immediately after successful AT+join), Also I wasn’t sending AT+SS each and every time before powering off.

    The sequence below works perfectly fine (this is very cool feature!)

    1) Initializing App/EUI keys
    2) AT + PS =1
    3) AT + NJM =1
    4) AT + JOIN
    >> wait for successful join
    5) AT + Send something
    6) AT + SS
    >> power off
    >> power up
    7) AT + RS
    8) AT + Send onemorething
    9) AT + SS
    >> power off
    >> power on
    >> repeat steps 7/8/9

    Thanks again Jason and Eric.

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