I have a single mDot which communicates with a conduit AEP model in US frequency bands. When the mdot boots for the first time, it setups up the LORA network settings, sets the mode to AUTO_OTA mode, and enables acks and ADR. Once this done, it transmits packets to the conduit, and goes into deep sleep mode for a specified interval and this cycle repeats. All the LORA transmissions are successful both uplink and downlink.
However if I restart the conduit for some reason and the mdot is still running, when the conduit is back up, no matter what, the mdot doesn’t have any more successful transmissions of packets to the conduit, it consistently fails until i reset the mdot.
When the mdot gets into deep sleep mode and when it wakes up from the sleep mode, it seems like the previous LORA session info is being loaded back. If the conduit re-starts is this session info no longer valid or does the mdot have to rejoin the network for successful transmissions?