MDOT serial Communication

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    Ajay K

    I was looking at the examples related to the mdot on the mbed developer site. In the MDOT serial communication example, the serial communication is achieved via the USBTX and USBRX. However this is for the debug interface. Is there an example of a similar program to perform serial communication via the the DB9 connector which is primarily currently used for the AT commands via the PC. I am looking for an example to switch from AT Mode to serial mode and communicate to the PC via the DB9 connector on the MDOT UDK kit by means of application and not AT commands. Are there API’s within the libMDot that supports this mode of communication? If not is there a way to achieve this using the mbded platform API’s?

    Thanks, Aj

    Jason Reiss

    To communicate over the DB9 connector use the XBEE_DOUT and XBEE_DIN pins.

    The AT Command firmware is the application that provides the serial communication layer for libmDot.

    There is an command in AT Command Firmware that reads data directly from the serial port and transmits the packets over LoRa. You may want to look at that as an example.

    The serial code can be found in the serial_loop function.

    Ajay K

    Thanks Jason for your response. I was looking to the code base that you pointed me to. The AT+SD command seems to be exactly what I am looking for. However by following the code base, it seems like it has not been implemented yet. As far as I can see its being handled by CmdDummy.cpp. Is there a more current version of the implementation for the command?

    Also like you pointed out the pins to use to the DB9 connector, should I be actually using MBED api’s to connect to the serial port or should I be leveraging the API set in the AT Commmand firmware, if it is even possibe to use. I am just trying not to re-invent the wheel if there is already a time tested code.


    Jason Reiss

    The CmdDummy entry is used to add the command into the help output because the implementation of the AT+SD command is built into the CommandTerminal.

    The full implementation is found in the CommandTerminal.cpp file’s serial_loop function.

    The Downloads page has mDot 1.0.8 firmware with enhanced AT+SD functionality.

    Try it out and see if it fits your needs.

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