mDot EVB Docs?

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    Patrick Phillips


    Just received and mDot EVB. I went to mBed for info and there is not a dev guide — cannot find documentation — Boy, do I feel like a pioneer . ..

    Can you tell me where docs are and/or how I can:

    1) connect this to my UDK (if that applies)
    2) compile the software to reflect my conduit configuration.
    — I assume I edit the main.cpp file, but this is a first for me — compiling, exporting and loading remain a mystery.



    Patrick Phillips

    Thanks to Steve and Mike for enabling us to get the EVB up and running!

    Excellent to have this little beauty dishing data to my AEP! Now to Stringify it and push it to a dashboard!

    Consider this ‘ticket’ closed.

    And, I’m happy to write up our experiences, should others like to know.

    Jim Maricondo

    Seriously, why is there no mDot EVB Developer’s Guide? Something that shows all the pinouts, buttons, etc. The EVB equivalent of the “MTDOT Developer Guide”. All I know is – I guess that is all the info that is available…

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by Jim Maricondo.
    Brandon Bayer


    A thorough EVB developer guide is coming soon. I do apologize for the product being released without proper documentation.


    Darrik Spaude

    Hi Jim,

    The MTDOT-EVB is sampling, but it is not released. It will be released with documentation around Feb. 2016.

    Jim Maricondo

    OK understood. Since there is no other information available at this time, can you tell me how the chip antenna on the EVB compares to a AN868-915A-1HRA antenna connected to a MTDOT-915 on a MTUDK2?


    Brandon Bayer


    Since it is only sampling, your best path is to create a support case where you’ll be connected to the folks who can answer your EVB questions as they may not be checking these forums 🙂


    Jim Maricondo

    Understood, thanks. Someone should have said that sooner when Patrick posted! 😉

    Jose Olvera

    issue : asking mdot documentation ( AT commands ) for RX/TX RF Testing

    status: I just got the Conduit and Dev Kit (Mdot) and finally able to had success to join to the network

    next step : I need to send an AT command to keep the TX ON and transmit a burst with any payload continuously until another AT command is send to STOP and turn OFF the TX

    details : we use words like : signaling and non-signaling when we are doing RF testing. when we are testing the upper layers of a protocol we will use the name ‘signaling mode’ and when we only test the PHYSICAL layer 1 (RF RADIO) we use name ‘non-signaling’ and is used to test RF Power and RF Modulation, etc.

    To do non-signaling , the device (mdot) in this case , needs to be sent in TEST-MODE , and that is why I am asking DOCUMENTATION of all AT commands available to :
    – change frequency or change band
    – change TX power level
    – change the payload
    – change the number of packets or burst to transmit
    – etc


    Brandon Bayer


    I suggest checking out this page which shows how to view all AT Commands:

    AT Command Getting Started Guide

    You can also download a developer guide from this page:

    And the frequency band cannot be changed (from 915 to 868 or vice versa).


    Jason Reiss


    For RF level testing you may need to make custom firmware using SxRadio libraries.

    Through AT commands and the mDot library only LoRaWAN supported functionality will be available.

    Here are some examples and libraries.

    Also checkout the datasheets at for radio information.

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