mDot DHT & RH Example

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  • #25574

    Hello all,

    I have been continuing my journey with running through examples to get a feel for how to manipulate the mDots. I do not know C++ well, so that’s been fun.

    One example that was posted is titled “mDot_LoRa_Connect_CSA_RH_Temp” appeared to be set up for Australia. I was having a hard time getting the mDot to connect to my Conduit via LoRa, when I noticed part of the libmDot library contains a file with “…AU915…” in it. I created a new project, copied libraries for the other hardware, but imported the libmDot, MTS-Serial, mbed, and mbed-rtos libraries from the mbed site.

    I also modified the main.cpp file to include the configuration and connect portions of the code from the original connect file (works good). However, I can’t get it to compile and keep getting these errors.

    Error: Undefined symbol mbed::Ticker::setup(unsigned) (referred from /src/libmDot/

    Error: Undefined symbol mbed::Ticker::setup(unsigned) (referred from /src/libmDot/

    I tried my hardest, but I can’t track down the source of these errors. Any ideas? I tried finding the reference for the declarations, but nothing.

    Also, is there a good place/reference to figure out how to set the GPIOs on the board? I will eventually need to utilize one as an analog input. Otherwise, I have been reviewing the examples in order to figure it out (not the easiest).


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by Nick. Reason: Spelling - engineer here
    Ryan Klaassen

    The dot lib is compiled using a certain version of mbed-os. Make sure the version of mbed-os you are using matches the mbed-os version that the dot lib was complied against.


    Yep, that was it. Took me a good while to figure it out. I thought I was being smart by updating the libraries…I ended up removing it from my library and re-importing.

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