There is a lot of great code and examples for programming MT dots in addition to those offered from Multitech on Mbed. It is not readily apparent, though, as to how to get that code (ie, non Multitech code) to work on an AEP Conduit. A great example of this is the configuration necessary to connect using Mbed’s LoRaWAN example: In particular, I am not clear on how to determine the correct AppEUI and AppKEY (note that we use network “Name” and “Passphrase” in text as opposed to the hex versions called for in the Mbed example calls). While I understand and appreciate that MT has custom libraries to handle this stuff, it is somewhat limiting to not be able to easily use the other open source code available on Mbed.
How do we derive or otherwise determine both the correct AppEUI and AppKEY in hex for both the Conduit (as required on the Conduit “LORAWAN – Key Management” setup tab) and the Mdot (see lines 37 & 38 in