Looking for help. MTCDP-G2-1.0

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    Alberto Zapico

    I’am a Spanish Phd. Student and I have several experiments with dataloggers installed in the mountain. I am connecting this dataloggers to GPRS MODEMS. My problem is that I have 3 sites where I need to connect 2 dataloggers through a GPRS Modem. One of the datalooger is a sensor with a USB connector (USB DEVICE) and the other with a RS232 connector.

    I need to monitor this sensors from the university, so when I need to recover data from the dataloogers I will call the modem to wake up it and I will use the sensor software to connect each sensor as a direct connection.

    So the scenario that I need to manage is:



    > GPRS MODEM – USB <




    > GPRS MODEM – RS232 <


    The questions are:

    1) Do you think I can use the MTCDP-G2-1.0 modem to manage this scenario?

    2)If it is possible to manage this scenario with MTCDP-G2-1.0, how complicated it would be to integrate it?

    3) Where can i find documentation related to MTCDP-G2-1.0 configurations, scenarios, etc.?

    I don’t have too much technical skills. I am a Biologist and I am hopeless with this problem I can not chante the USB SENSORs to RS232 SENSORS that is easier. So I need to find a solution to manage this scenario, and I think that multitech modem could help me, but I am not sure.

    I will apprecite any comment because a I have to finish the network connection before june.

    Thank you very much,


    So I need to convert:

    Bryan Tran

    Hi Ignacio,

    1. We have an rcell (MTCBA-G2-EN2) that can be used in this scenario. However, this device only supported serial port (DB9). But you can have an USB to Serial cable to connect from USB sensor to the rcell’s serial port. (Not sure if this is possible for you).

    With this rcell device, we have a web interface that will allowing you to configure the device to ‘Wake up on Ring’ and connect to it via a TCP server that is running on the rcell itself..etc..

    This device might be shortest path for you to consider.


    2. With the MTCDP-G2-1.0, you must write/develop your own application to do the same functionality as the rcell. This device has both serial and USB supported.



    Alberto Zapico

    Hi Bryan and thank you for your answer. The solution that you propose me it would be perfect. The problem is where to find a cable to convert USB device to RS232 to connect to the modem.

    All the cables that i have found allow:

    “The USB-RS232 adaptor cables are a family of communication devices. This cable provides a simple method of adapting legacy serial devices with RS232 interfaces to modern USB ports. ”

    And what I need is:

    “Connect a USB device to a RS232 modem, where I don’t have a PC and I can not install drivers.”

    Does anybody know any adaptor or cable that allow me to connect the USB device to a RS232 modem (MTCBA-G2-EN2)?

    Thanks a lot again,


    Darrik Spaude


    The current Multi-Tech rCell products will not work for you if you need to have two dataloggers with one of them being a USB device. You would need to use the MTCDP product line as you first thought.

    Like Bryan said, you would need to do some of your own programming or script writing to make this work. My thought was that you might possibly be able to do the following:

    1) Write a cron job (a periodic task in the Linux system) that periodically polls the dataloggers for information and stores that information into a file or files.

    2) Write another cron job that periodically (once daily?) sends the files to a pre-determined e-mail address or web site. This would mean you wouldn’t need to call into the MTCDP to request data–if calling into the MTCDP is a requirement, then it is much more difficult. Having the MTCDP push data to something would be much simpler.

    3) Point your PC monitor software to fetch data from the files.

    Which dataloggers are you considering?

    Do you have a limit on cellular data usage/cost?

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