List of Channels on 868 Mhz Conduit

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model List of Channels on 868 Mhz Conduit

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  • #14196
    Görkem Polat

    When I try to connect RN2483 to Conduit AEP, I preset these channels in addition to 3 mandatory channels:

    869.1 Mhz with duty cycle 0.1%

    869.525 Mhz with duty cycle 5%

    869.5 Mhz with duty cycle 5%

    869.7 Mhz with duty cycle 0.5%

    869.9 Mhz with duty cycle 0.5%

    After a while, sometimes channels status are off or duty cycles are set to 0.1% internally (‘mac get ch dcycle x’ returns 999). There are some errors related to channels, after sending data to gateway, module responds as ‘busy’ or ‘no_free_channel’

    What can be the problem? Maybe I am not using the appropriate channels for Conduit? Which Channels must be set in end-node?

    Jason Reiss

    If you are using OTA join you should only need to define the default channels in order to initiate the join. The network server will pass the additional channels to the device.

    The Conduit will be set to listen on the default channels and a user-defined set of additional channels. The default value for additional channels is 869.5 creating channels 869.1,869.3,869.5,869.7,869.9.

    The “busy” or “no free channel” may be due to the duty cycle restrictions built into the software. You may need to contact Microchip for more explanation into the behavior.

    Görkem Polat

    Hi Jason,

    When the OTA join is accepted, 869.1, 869.3, 869.5, 869.7, 869.9 channel’s duty cycles are set to 0.1% (mac get ch dcycle x returns 999). Therefore, I think that, duty cycles must be set after the join operation.

    I am running a test now and it seems it is OK.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Görkem Polat.
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