Line Feed in SMS Message for PDU Mode

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    Steven McNeese

    I have my SF-800 configured in PDU Mode with the option to concatenate multipart outbound messages. I would like to be able to add a carriage return/line feed in my messages to break them up into paragraphs. When I sent via the admin interface, the textbox input control accepts the carriage return/line feed, but the delivered message has them stripped out. I know that sending from the device to another device, I can include the carriage return and they are retained when received on the other device. Can this be done with the iSMS server?

    Steven McNeese

    I have also tested through the API and the line feed is being stripped out on the receiving device.

    Bryon Davis

    Hi Steven,
    When sending the sendmsg request, HTTP or TCP, the text’s carriage returns should be encoded as %0D and the the linefeeds encoded as “%0A”.


    Devon Johnson

    Hi Bryon,

    Reading through your reply, I’m using HTTP GET interface with my SF800s and I can only get a subset of the “special” characters out. For example, you mention above about the linefeeds and carriage returns and they are all stripped out as spaces.

    I tried hex encoding, but that forces Unicode which diminishes the utility (too short).

    Any tips on how to enable some formatting on these messages?

    For the record, I’m using the 7 bit encoding (tried the 8 bit encoding and even though the SF800 accepted the format, my phone never received it… bummer).

    Thanks for any tips you might have,

    Devon Johnson

    Nevermind, I ended up finding your reply regarding the Nordic characters…

    For completeness, here’s a quote of your reply:

    “1. In SMS Settings menu, check “Enable PDU Mode” and click save.

    2. In SMS Settings menu, change the ASCII 7 bit character set to “3GPP 23.038? and click save.

    3. In SMS Settings menu, make sure Unicode and Extended ASCII are disabled, unless you plan to specify ASCII 7 bit encoding during the send.”

    Thanks for the help!

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