How to connect Multitech Ip67 to internet? and how can access it after that?

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    Hi everybody

    I am trying to make my multitech access to the internet by Ethernet, but all my tries failed, please if any body can help me how to success with this by details…

    thanks a lot in advance !

    Steve Kovarik

    Assuming that you want to interface the IP67 device as a DHCP Client to an Ethernet Network (as the DHCP Server) that provides Internet access.

    To accomplish that you should go to “Setup” and “Network Interfaces” and configure etho as “WAN” with mode set to “DHCP Client” then submit & ‘save & restart’.
    Also make sure that in “Administration” and “Access Configuration” that you enable HTTPS via WAN (on port 443) [submit then ‘save & restart’] or you can lock yourself out.

    Once that is all configured and working how will you determine the IP address assigned to the IP67 Gateway from the DHCP Server?
    Are you able to access the DHCP Server (Router) and query for DHCP Client addresses?

    -Best Regards


    Thanks a lot for your response! I highly appreciate

    I did the steps you mentioned before, I always lost my access to the gateway after that.
    regarding your question: “Are you able to access the DHCP Server (Router) and query for DHCP Client addresses?”:
    Answer: If you mean the IP address that let me access the router, then YES. simply i write the ip address of the router on browser and the browser takes me to it. I sign in to the page, and inside there are many options and lists that allow me to control the router sittings, one of them is the DHCP . but it does not show the list of ip addresses of other devices. how to do it pls?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by GatewayIOT.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by GatewayIOT. Reason: add more details
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