GPS gets location but not time

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  • #32681

    Hi all,

    I have a Multitech Conduit IP67 and it’s failing to sync time&date.
    On lora-pkt-fwd-1.log I always get:

    ### [GPS] ###
    # Invalid time reference (age: 1651234750 sec)
    # no valid GPS coordinates available yet
    ##### END #####

    The strange thing is that the GPS antenna is working, because I get location correctly. I’ve checked lots of forums and added to /opt/lora/local_conf.json the following, without success:

    “gps”: true,
    “gps_tty_path”: “/dev/ttyXRUSB2”

    I don’t know if it could be realted to gpsd config. When I restart the service, I get “Expect a timeout error here. Need this error. gpsctl:ERROR: packet recognition timed out.

    Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance.


    My Multitech Conduit IP67 is a MTCDT-L4E1 with Firmware 5.2.5.

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