GPS data not found using AEP API

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  • #27022
    William Laing

    Good Day –

    We have two nearly identical conduits. One reports GPS data but the other does not. The one that does not report GPS data is a Multitech Conduit: MTCDT-LVW2-246A running firmware 1.6.2.

    When we execute “http://<ip_addr>/api/stats/gps&#8221;, we get:

    “code”: 200,
    “result”: {
    “error”: “GPS data not found”
    “status”: “success”

    On the other conduits, we get back something like:

    “code”: 200,
    “result”: {
    “alt”: “41.3 M”,
    “data”: [

    “fix”: “1”,
    “lat”: “2622.38528 N”,
    “lng”: “08005.87728 W”,
    “sats”: “07”,
    “time”: “213011.00”
    “status”: “success”

    Any help will be appreciated!

    William Laing

    Jeff Hatch

    Hello William,

    Is there anything related to the GPS fix/lock in the /var/log/messages on the device that has the failure?


    William Laing

    Hi Jeff –

    Five of our Conduits are reporting GPS; one is not. They are all configured the same way as best we can tell.

    These same messages are found in /var/log/messages for both Conduits:

    2019-01-07T18:28:50.699113+00:00 mtcdt admin: Is GPSD running?
    2019-01-07T18:28:50.729038+00:00 mtcdt admin: FIX OK field should be single hex digit: gpsmon data: gpsmon:ERROR: TCP device open error can’t connect to host/port pair.
    2019-01-07T18:28:50.758635+00:00 mtcdt admin: GPS does not have a fix yet. Try again later.

    Yet one is reporting GPS, and the other is not.

    Jeff Hatch


    Could you file a support portal case at on this? There’s been some issues with the connectors to the board for the gps antennas among other things. Also, they may be able to give some additional advice on what environmental factors to rule out.



    William Laing

    Okay, Jeff, will do – thanks.

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