get unit serial number

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  • #2617
    Brandon Pedersen

    Hi, I am looking for a way to get the serial number of the unit either from the command line or programmatically or whatever.

    I found the serial number (and imei…I would be happy with either) stored in a file /sys/devices/platform/i2c-gpio/i2c-0/0-0056/eeprom but I am not quite sure how to read the data in and grab just the serial number.

    I noticed there is a program mts-id-eeprom but when I run it it doesn’t print any of the information, all 0s or empty strings

    Any ideas? Thanks

    Jesse Gilles


    mts-id-eeprom is the application you want, but you have to give it the path to the eeprom (which you already also found).

    mts-id-eeprom --help will give command-line options.


    mts-id-eeprom /sys/devices/platform/i2c-gpio/i2c-0/0-0056/eeprom

    will produce yaml output that you can parse.


    Brandon Pedersen

    Thanks for that…although it doesn’t quite work. I had another look at the command line options and it should actually be this:

    mts-id-eeprom –in-file /sys/devices/platform/i2c-gpio/i2c-0/0-0056/eeprom

    Although, I think I will probably just use python and use struct to read out the bits I need like the c code for mts-id-eeprom does.

    Jesse Gilles

    Whoops, yeah, I meant to have the –in-file option in there, sorry.

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