Get Modem Identifier without minicom

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    Jim Loven

    Is there a way to get the modem identification number from the EV2-GP modem using the command line as opposed to using minicom to send an AT+GSN command?

    Jim Loven

    Also, what I need is the ESN, not the IMEI, since we are using CDMA

    Bryan Tran

    Hi Jim,

    1. Are you refer to MTCDP-EV2-GP ? If so, could you try:

    mts-id-eeprom –infile /sys/devices/platform/i2c-gpio/i2c-0/0-0056/eeprom[Enter] – and see if it list out the MEID/ESN number (8 hex chars) ?. Other wise, I don’t know if there is any command line that will give you this info.

    2. Also, the MEID/ESN is listed on the label on the bottom of the device.



    Lonny Knudson

    Hi Jim,

    If Bryan’s suggestion doesn’t include the ESN and you are trying to automate the process of getting the ESN you could try microcom. I believe something like this will work from the command line:

    echo -en “AT+GSNr” | microcom -t 1000 /dev/ttyUSB0

    Jim Loven

    echo -en “AT+GSNr” | microcom -t 1000 /dev/ttyUSB0

    I’m aware of the above AT command to do that. I was hoping there was a way get that information without using microcom or minicom. I was told that the WAN would have to be disable/turned off in order to use those programs. Is that true? Wouldn’t that be a problem if you were trying to get the ESN when you are connected via WAN (which is a requirement for us)?

    Jesse Gilles

    Because the EV2 radio only has one port that accepts AT commands, you can’t have a PPP connection up and issue commands at the same time.

    You could have a script that reads this information from the radio on boot and saves it for later use since the information is static. Then you can read the saved information later while the PPP link is active.

    The only other option is the EEPROM, which Bryan mentioned.



    Bryan Tran

    Hi Jim,

    Also, I think the command:

    mts-id-eeprom –infile /sys/devices/platform/i2c-gpio/i2c-0/0-0056/eeprom[Enter]

    will listed out the ESN number in decimal format instead of hex format. You may need to convert them to hex format using the calculator if needed.



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