"Default" Min/Max Datarates lead to errors on mDots

Home Forums Lora Network Server "Default" Min/Max Datarates lead to errors on mDots

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  • #27964
    Mark Makarychev

    I’ve been troubleshooting a certain bug (for quite some time now) that caused inconsistent package transmitting/receiving from mDots. For example: I had an mDot set-up to transmit ~360 packets an hour, but I only received ~90-120 packets per hour from it.

    Just the other day, I accidentally stumbled upon what was causing this strange behavior, and decided to share my findings here with the forum.

    On the mDots, I was getting the following error:

    [INFO] Preparing frame
    [ERROR] Send failed : code 6
    [ERROR] Failed to send data to gateway [-10][No Enabled Channel]

    which, as I read online, tends to be caused by duty cycle restrictions.

    However, as it turns out, this error can also be caused by setting a Conduit’s LoRa server’s “Min & Max Datarate” settings to the default values, indicated in the Conduit’s ‘help’ section (min=max=0).

    As soon as these are set to, say, min=0 & max=5 (for EU868), mDots stop reporting the error above, and all 360 packets make it successfully to the gateway each hour.

    After making this discovery, I decided to test whether or not ADR was switching the mDot to DR0 (since maxDR=minDR=0), which, in theory, would make the mDot use up more time-on-air and quickly reach the duty cycle’s maximum allowed time-on-air limit.

    However, it turned out that the active DR and TX power didn’t change at all after receiving ADR packets from the gateway, and they remained as they were (DR = 4 and TxPower = 27).

    [INFO] TX DR/power: 4/27
    [INFO] Preparing frame
    [ERROR] Send failed : code 6
    [ERROR] Failed to send data to gateway [-10][No Enabled Channel]

    None the less, something in that ADR packet from the gateway induced the strange behavior that I wrote about in the beginning.

    This bug was discovered on an AEP Conduit running FW v1.4.4. I’ve upgraded it to v1.7.3 since, but haven’t yet checked whether or not the bug is still present on the new FW version (but the default values are still indicated as min=max=0 in the ‘help’ section on v1.7.3).

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