I’m trying to upgrade to conduit 5.1.2 firmware (from 5.0.1-AEP) on a MTCDT-LWV2-247A and am getting an error “Failed to start the upgrade. There is not enough space available on the device to perform the firmware upgrade.”
admin@mtcdt:~$ df -h
Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 232.0M 107.0M 125.0M 46% /
devtmpfs 115.2M 8.0K 115.2M 0% /dev
tmpfs 123.3M 476.0K 122.9M 0% /run
tmpfs 123.3M 121.6M 1.7M 99% /var/volatile
/dev/mtdblock6 8.0M 1.3M 6.7M 16% /var/config
/dev/mtdblock7 8.0M 512.0K 7.5M 6% /var/oem
The conduit_5.1.2_upgrade_signed.bin file is 112.1MB. On the /dev/root it seems like I am close to having enough to get by, but am getting the error.
Any guidance on what can safely be purged?