Compiling corecdp-2.1.0 on Ubuntu 12.04 Issues

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    Steven Moon

    I am trying to build a new openjdk image on Ubuntu 12.04 but am having a few issues; most of which I have been able to resolve. However, I am stumped by this one.

    The icedtea package fails and I have found this patch made on July 31 – How do I apply this patch to my local copy of corecdp-2.1.0?



    Steven Moon

    I understand that the release notes do state Ubuntu >= 11.10 are not supported. I was just trying it to see if I could avoid moving to <= 11.04.



    Jesse Gilles

    You can try applying the patch to the meta-java subdir inside your corecdp directory.

    Something like:

    cd corecdp-2.1.0/meta-java

    patch -p1 < the_patch

    James Armstrong

    I am also having problems compiling. It is failing on the openssl compile. The link has a bunch of undefined references like BIO_s_file, CRYPTO_dbg_get_options. The individual compiles seemed to work, just the link that is failing. Ubuntu 12.1 (which I just see may be an issue).

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