CDP keeps resetting itself

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    Brandon Pedersen

    Hi, I have a major problem going on my my CDP unit. It keeps resetting itself after about 1 hour and 20 minutes. I dont know what is going on here, I thought it might have been my program that was doing it but I stopped the program from running and disabled it from running on startup, so all that is running is dropbear, ntpd, and pppd basically, but it still resets itself (hard reset) after an hour and 20 minutes.

    I also thought it may be a temperature problem because of the environment but it hangs right at 37 degrees the whole time.

    I have also restarted syslogd to log messages to the sdcard so I can see what happened before the reboot but I didn’t see any messages that are suspicious, just a couple messages from cron that it is running some things (which doesn’t appear to be the problem either because the script runs several times before the device is reset).

    The reason I can tell it is right at 1 hour and 20 minutes is because I fired up a script to echo out to a file the uptime command every 2 minutes and each time it is reset it gets to 1:18 before getting reset.

    Anyone else having this problem or any clue as to what it might be. I am running CoreCDP 2.0.2 on the actual CDP unit (not the embedded version).


    Jesse Gilles

    If you haven’t already, try connecting the debug serial cable and logging the output. This will show any messages from the kernel and any other messages that go to the system console.

    Does the unit behave this way if you don’t have the PPP link up? When you do have the link up, is it being used heavily or is it mostly idle?



    Brandon Pedersen

    The bad part about this is the unit is installed at a remote location so I can’t access the debug port. I can’t turn off the ppp link because I would lose remote access. The ppp link is up all the time and when my program is running it is heavily used, but I have turned my program off and it still resets. I just received another unit at home and I will see if I can reproduce it on this unit as well.

    Brandon Pedersen

    OK, looks like it was our fault. We had the unit connected to a power supply that would reset itself when it detected the LAN link go down…this was left over from an old setup and just swapped that out and we are fine…sorry for the false alarm 🙂

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