Not sure if this is the place for this question, but I am trying to add a LoRa device (ABP) using ssh commands through mLinux. I am currently using the examples provided in:
Conduit mLinux: LoRa Use With Third-Party Devices
Where I do something like:
lora-query -x device add '{"deveui":"00-80-00-00-00-00-e1-9c","class":"C"}'
After doing this, the device will show up in the Web GUI for the Gateway just the same way as if I had added it manually using the Web GUI, under LoRaWAN devices. However, I cannot seem to find an option for setting the device profile (LW102-OTA-US915) using this command. Does anybody know how can I do this?
I have also tried using the whitelist approach, which provides an option for setting the device profile, as shown in:
Managing device list through API
For example:
curl -X POST --data '{"deveui":"0001223344556677","class":"A","appeui":"0011223344556677","appkey":"00112233445566770011223344556677","device_profile_id":"LW102-OTA-US915"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
When I execute this command, it successfully adds it to the white list (returns success), but the device is not showing up in the LoRaWAN->Devices tab. The whitelist only contains the device I just added and does not contain those devices that were added manually through the Web GUI. So it does not match with the Web GUI…
I prefer using the first mLinux command route because the whitelist route seems to also require a restart every time the command is issued. Is there any better way of doing this? Could I be missing something?
I am using:
Firmware 1.7.4
Network Server 2.2.18
Any help would be greatly appreciated!!!