Re: how to clear input and outbox sms? programmatically

Home Forums Re: how to clear input and outbox sms? programmatically

Christopher Rivera

I’ve been able to simulate the web user accessing this using a couple of GET and POST calls to the server. It’s not pretty but it does work.

The main steps for this is:

1. Do a POST request to /cgi-bin/postquery.cgi with your authentication information

2. Do a GET request to the homepage of the box, and get the result of the page. You will need to parse this to get your session id.

3. Using the session id, do a GET request to smsSent.html?session_id and get the result.

4. If the result contains “Outbox is Empty”, end, else if it has “Page (d+) of (d+)”, do the following:

5. Do a POST method, to /cgi-bin/postquery.cgi using the following params:

– commandVal=”set cleanoutbox status enable samas”

– fileName = ‘smsSent.html’

– userid = ‘this is where your session id will go’

– max_pg_no = the 2nd value from the Page X of Y, use the Y value.

And that’s it.

You can do run 3 to see if the page data now has “Outbox is Empty”